Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sunlight Fang - Boomerang - Magical Weapon - Stupendously Rare

Sunlight Fang
Weapon (boomerang), stupendously rare (requires attunement)

A magical weapon with many imbedded runes. A new rune shines as you increase in skill. Levels are unlocked as character gains coresponding level.

You gain a +3 bonus to Melee Attack and Damage Rolls made with this weapon, which deals radiant damage. When you hit an Undead with it, that target takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.

The boomerang's luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light is sunlight. While the blade is unsheathed, you can use an Action to expand or reduce its radius of bright and dim light by 5 feet each, to a maximum of 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each.

Sunarang. Level 0. Melee Weapon Attack. Finesse, Light, Range, Thrown. Reach 5ft. Range 60/160 (returns on DC 16 Wisdom check).

1D4 radiant damage.

Sun Arc Burst. Level 1. wand, stupendously rare

This boomerang has the number of charges up to level of the user. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cast Sun Arc. For 1 charge, you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each charge you expend.

Sunlight Fang regains 1D6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Sun arcs. 1st Level Evocation, 1 Action, V S M component ('tres arku son'; throwing-like motion ending with pointing at target; Sunlight Fang), Instantaneous. 

You create three glowing sun arcs of magical radiant energy. Each sun arc hits a creature of your choice that you see in range. A sun arc deals 1D4 + 1 radiant damage to it's target. The arcs all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

At Higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more boomerang for each slot level above 1st.

Magic Eclipse. Level 2. 2nd Level Evocation, Reaction, M component (Sunlight Fang and Moonlight Fang), Instantaneous. 

A shield forms from the two boomerangs and their repulsion of each other deflects a magical attack once per day.  On a successful DC 18 Wisdom check, reflects half damage back to the source of the magical attack.  Damage increase by a quarter per user level up to full power of magical attack.

Whitesun Fang-saw. Level 3. Melee Weapon Attack. Reach 5 ft.

2D8 radiant damage.

You use 2 Sun Arc charges to condense some of the sunlight emitted from the boomerang into teeth that float above the blade's edge.  The teeth race each other in succession to a blazing blur.  The teeth tear through flesh and bone, and a fan of bloody slurry sprays meters from creature's wounds. The teeth have no effect on the wielder.

Saga of the Astralos. Level 4. Range Weapon Attack. Finesse, Range, Thrown, Secral*. Range 60/160 (returns on DC 16 Wisdom check).

Requires both the Sunlight Fang and Moonlight Fang.

3d10 + 6 force damage (included +3 bonus from Sunlight and Moonlight fangs)

You force the two fangs to lay side by side. Opposing energies build between the two blades beyond controllable limit. Sunlight and moonlight ropey drips flow from the two boomerangs. When thrown, the impact separates the two fangs causing a blast of 4d10 + 6 force damage. Target take a DC 18 Constitution Save, on a fail the target is sent 15 feet back and is prone. 

The fangs are secral*. You have a chance of ripping your target through the median plane into two parts after impact on a roll of 20 causing instantaneous death.  A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to force damage, has the option to divide into smaller pieces, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big to be cut in half with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 3d20 force damage from the hit.

Soularc Aurora Caliber Beam. Level 5. 10th Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Line 25 ft and wide 1000 ft long, V S M component ('Bankai, Senbonzakura kageyoshi.'; drop Fangs while looking at target; Sunlight Fang, Moonlight Fang, and Caster's HP), Instantaneous.

Keep your target in view then let go of each Fang in both hands while holding out both arms upward to eye level.  Say the magic words while doing so. The fangs will slowly descend into the ground making ripples of light and dark energy until they disappear.  A thousand towering angled blades surround you then shatter into a thousand smaller Fangs both light and dark.  A million black-cold and white-hot cherry blossom pedal-like blades stream from you in a great force causing a million cuts to you and all creatures in front of you for a 1000 feet, shreading friends and foes alike.

X equals Caster's Hit points spent. Caster loses these Hit points.

2(XD6 + X) force damage. 

All creatures covered by the spell take a DC X Constitution Save, on a success creatures take half damage and are prone.

Caster using this attack must take a DC X Wisdom Save. On success, you are at 1 hp and prone. On failure, you instantly killed and cannot be revived.

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