Sunday, January 15, 2023

Occura Dagael - Brace of Arm Rings - Magical Weapon - Ridiculously Rare

Occura Dagael
Weapon (a pair of brace of arm rings), ridiculously rare (requires attunement)

A magical weapon with many imbedded runes calling thunder, lighting and fire under your influence.  This weapon counts as being Unarmed and 5ft reach in melee attacks. 

1D6 Bludgeoning.

You gain a +3 bonus to Melee Attack and Damage Rolls made with this weapon, which deals bludgeoning damage. A unmodified hit roll result of 18 or higher counts as a Critical Hit with this weapon.

This pair of brace of arm rings has the number of charges up to two times the level of the user. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more charges to cast spells from the Occura Dagael.

Occura Dagael regains 1D10 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Sutomet the Dragon's Left Hand of Doom. 1st Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Melee Attack, Cone Range 5ft, S M component (hold your fists at a right angle, let rings charge up on left arm, punch; Occura Dagael, 1 to 10 charges), Instantaneous.

All the rings gather on your right arm, you gain 1D10 fire damage per 1 charge spent to move a ring from your right to your powerfully left arm. When you punch, a cone of fire engulfs your target.  The more power you invest in the attack the cone grows to engulf more creatures in the cornucopia of fire. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn’t being worn or carried.

For each charge spent, the cone of the attack increase by 5ft after the 1st charge.

Brace of Forward Focused Thunder. 2nd Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Range 60 ft, S M component (push fist forward toward target; Occura Dagael, 1 to 10 charges), Instantaneous.

You create a battering ram of thunder in capsulated by the rings from one brace. The thunder hits one or more creatures of your choice that you see in range. The brace deals 1D8 thunder damage per charge spent to it's target. The focused thunder all strike simultaneously.

Targeted creatures must take a DC 18 Construction save. On a fail, they are Deafened and knocked back 15 ft.

Circle of Lightning. 5th Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Range 250 ft, S M component (hold your fists at a right angle, make circle and point at target; Occura Dagael, 1 to 10 charges), Instantaneous.

The rings encircle one target. The rings deals 1D6 lightning damage per charge spent to it's target.

If you spend 2+ charges, target must take a DC 14 Constitution Save. On a fail, target is Blinded.

If you spend 5+ charges, target must take a DC 16 Constitution Save. On a fail, target is Stunned.

If you spend 8+ charges, target must take a DC 18 Constitution Save. On a fail, target is Unconscious.

Target only takes one save and multiple fails stack.

Occura Dagael, okura (Yoruba, ring), Dagael (Somali, fight)

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