Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Session 5 - Aftermath - Gawyn Sintarion's Waking Dreams of Red Jasper and Archomet the Nightmare Dragon

The precious red stone ball is in Gawyn's hand as the ambient magic is flows through it and trickles into the wizard.

The eynuier identified the ball was made of red jasper.  A precious magical stone.  Gawyn wants to call the orb Merlin's Cherry in the honor of one of his favorite stories.  He feels the ball's annoyance with the name.  Surprised, Gawyn feels some strange power, psychic power, trapped within.  Curious he wants to release it.

"A dragon and a sorceress died tonight.  A sister of luck called in a lightning strike.  Clouds of darkness filled with blades turned fanatics into mist. Fire fell from the sky like shooting stars granting wishes of death and distruction," Gawyn sings under his breath.

Gawyn could not sleep nor did he need to.  He chose to take the watch as the party rested; they were split among the remaining buildings of Moondive. Loxly invited to stay at Mirna Dendrar's home. Austri and Noname at Sister Astramarie (formerly Garaele) invited to rest after moving the burnt corpses of Wolfenstein and Gundren. Hoping that the blessings and being properly prepared would get you were you wanted to go on the otherside.  

Gawyn did wonder if the wolf was worth the scroll of revivify or if anyone cares that Sildar is dead.  

The thought of scroll brought him to his song and all the magical energy spilled into the air tonight. The energy is palpable.  Gawyn pulls out the orbuculum, holds it while looking deep into orb then whispers into it.  Gawyn feels the orb talking though he cannot yet hear it.  Atuning is time consuming he thinks, he can barely feel that the orb agrees.

"It is a little early.  We will continue walking together you and I, orb."

Gawyn is in front of the dragon.  

Gawyn fiddles with a rhyme,  "Poisonous fumes emiting in the air.  Poisonous flesh laying there. Poisonous blood leaking down into the ground.  Trista turned this magnificent being into a clown."

Unsure if this singing and rhyming is him.  He asks the red ball.  It replies with a faint inability to discern and likes the funny words the young wizard is saying.  Gawyn feels the orb and himself intermingle in thought, time and space. Before Gawyn realizes it, the orb is about to touch the dragon's head while it is in his hand.

"Touch," the orb whisperers yet echos in Gawyn's mind.

Gawyn third eye is open. Something was waiting. The orb's curiosity might have been a mistake.  Both are seeing something different, something new.  

A beast of blood, blood lit with rage and terror. Light shining red from within.  

A beast of night, night dark with eternity and entropy.  Dark holding thick without.  

Both swirling, pulsing and racing in all directions. Both larger than the astralos yet they can fit within your mind.  Both consuming worlds of the older age and feeding your new soul with dispare.  In the ecstasy of timeless distruction the beasts have borne many children. 

The one you see is here below your feet.  Broken and segmented. It's is writhing in smoke, calamity and ephialtes.  It brings fear to your time of rest, peace and dormancy; that is only when it passes. 

It's scream makes both your heart and thoughts quiver and bleed.  The onceti with composure waring, can feel it will turn us all into piles of organs then tip the scales of reality.  Sending our collective pulp running, gushing and rippling off the edge of the earth into the stary abyss; maws wide open, the parents await.

Gawyn is back in front of the dragon.  

The orb about to touch the dragon again.  Gawyn pulls the red jasper ball away from the dragon as hard and fast as he can.

"Will not ride that mare again," out loud Gawyn says.

A voice different then his own speaks into his mind, "No simple mare that be, it is the king of mares thye did see."

Gawyn is in front of the Luck Shrine.

Astramarie pulls him into her home.  Gawyn floats into the single room house.  In a corner, Noname is sleeping in a well kept modest bed and further recovering from the green dragon's poison slash.  Austri in his bedroll tucked under a large table in the center of the room and a low fire burn in a fire place behind it.  
Gawyn admires the lanterns hanging from a beam that holds up the slate shingled roof; astral glint sparkling in the flame.

Astramarie gets Gawyn's attention and he sits were she has pulled out a chair.  They talk a number of hours in seconds.  Noname begins to cough and he becomes a geyser of green gas.  It ignites from the glowing lanterns, burning the rafters and beams.  Each lantern falling, bursting and burning on the table.  Austri stares into Gawyn as the roof falls burning, crushing and killing Austri.  Astramarie in wreathed in lightning takes Gawyn's heart and placing it in a copper censer.  She ignites the heart in the censer and shoves the smoky burning orichalcum vessel in his chest.  Looking for escape Gawyn see only Noname's jet of green coming to give him the gassy kiss of death.

Gawyn is in front of the Dragon.

"Damn thee, no more rhyming!"

Again the voice in his head, "Rhyming is fun, now I am done and now this time for some puns.  I wish could have archo-MET you in the past.  You are an ACRHO-met-TYPE I have seen before.  Now, it is time to know your new ARCHOMET-SIS. Archomet the nightmare dragon and the Archometlings!"

Gawyn is standing in void above and admiring the jewels of light scattered in all directions on black velvet curtains.  He spots with all his senses spots a starless toom, an inky piece brakes off from the whole and climb from the primal darkness below. An unspeakable distance covered in a breath. The vale of shadow and heat swallows Gawyn. He endures the pain of aphotic burning against his flesh. 

He focuses on his inner self beyond the natural impulse to run.  He feels the need to chew his leg off caught in the toothy trap of unlit terror.  He catches a glimpse of his teeth dripping with flesh.  He knows he can not out run this fright in the steel trap box residing in his head.  The immaterial is the forest this beast hunts. Between brooding, over scrutiny and under reasoning.  

Gawyn taps into his guarded emotions and finds a red diamond of kindness, protection and love. He grasps it, holds it then brings it into his heart.  Mygnola the Red pushes pink-white blinding radiance out and in, absorbing and exploding; shreading and over coming the hate and fear.   

Gawyn is cold. 

He is laying flat on the ground and starring into the fading black sky as the sun has started to turn back the night. Sun's light returns and so does his focus, he is then looking into the lifeless eye of Trista and the scorched arrow logded in her other.  Frost covers both bodies. The orbuculum is firm in Gawyn's grip and untouched by the morning chill.

Trista moves. Pulled away. 

Quickly before Gawyn can move his head, Trista is almost out of sight. He catches a single glowing yellow eye with dead mage in tow.  A message burning in his psyche sends his head whipping back. Simply it states, thank you. The burning flies away and gone the glowing eye from view.

Then comes a name, Mygnola, to his memory.  Gawyn tries to place the name to face or place and can not.  He is compeled to look at the orbuculum and recognizes the orbuculum was created by Mygnola, no deeds or memories come to mind beyond the name given.

Gawyn gets up.

His Interest in the object is further sparked with the waking dreams over during his watch.  The wizard walks to Mirna's home for breakfast and a quiet place for his wits to be safe.  Gawyn places Merlin's Cherry into a leather sack as he enters.  Welcomed by the surviving hyguier family and his friend, he longs for banality of life.  The pancakes are served and enjoys the presents of his first bite.

Mygnola's Red Jasper (Merlin's Cherry)
Damage stored:
48 Psychic Damage

Defeat Archomet and his Archometlings (Gawyn and those that have carried Mygnola's Red Jasper)
- Find layer of Archomet
- Survive random attacks from Metlings
- Reward: Access to Mygnola the Red as patron and patron's knowledge, wealth, item and weapons.

Archometling, Nightmare Dragon (5e Creature)
Large dragon, neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56), max 196
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR       DEX       CON      INT       WIS      CHA
18 (+4) 10 (+0)  18 (+4) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +8, Wis +4, Cha +5
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +8
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities psychic
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Amorphous. The dragon can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. It can make one tail attack in place of its two claw attacks.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.

Frightful Scream (Recharge 5-6). The dragon lets out a bloodcurdling cry that pierces the mind of any who hear it. Each creature within 40 feet of the dragon must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 14 (4d6) psychic damage and is frightened. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't frightened. An affected creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, it cannot be frightened by this dragon's Frightful Scream for the next 24 hours.

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