Friday, January 20, 2023

Aurhark - Bow and Arrows - Magic Weapon - Ridiculously Rare

Weapon (longbow), ridiculously rare (requires attunement)

A magical weapon that was gifted to onseti elven wilderness rangers after defending against unfathomable odds.  Crafted from ridiculously rare bowstave of the golden bough, the horn of the elusive cuerno azul*, and glue from the blood of the strongest orlox **. Few are made and few are given.  Those that bare these long bow live in peace there after and are only attacked by fools and those soon to cross the black expanse of the Astralos.

This magical bow grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with it. When you cast a ranger spell, it grants a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls, and your spell save DC increases by 3.

While you wield Aurhark, you gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision to 60 feet or greater, add 30 feet to the range of your darkvision instead. You can communicate telepathically with any willing creature you can see within 30 feet.

Range 600 ft, 1D8 piercing damage, ammunition (arrows, solshaft)

Aurhark fills your quiver with 15 + your level in arrow of pure sunlight called solshaft. Each solshaft can deliver different damage, you must select prior to letting loose a solshaft at a target.

These arrow disappears when used and reappears in your quiver, or otherwise in your possession if you have no quiver, the next morning at dawn.

Solflare. A white glowing arrow appears in your hand and when the strike your target a burst of sunlight erupts from you target that can cause them to be disoriented.

These arrows cause additional 2D6 radiant damage. The target rolls a DC 14 Constitution saving throw; on a failure, they are blinded until the beginning of your next turn.

Sollighting. A red shining arrow appears in your hand burning with red fiery lighting ready to call fury on your target.

These arrows cause additional 2D6 lightning damage . When you cast a ranger spell, you can expend 2 solshafts per spell slot level to double the damage your spell inflicts.

Soleclipse. A arrow the shade of night appears with black glowing energy that strikes fear into mind of your target.  

While you are hidden or invisible, your attacks with this arrow deal 2D6 psychic damage instead of any other kind of damage they would deal. Attacks you make with this arrow do not end your invisibility or reveal your position, if they otherwise would.


+Aurhark, aur (welch, gold), hark (Albanian, bow, arc)

*Blue horn

**Orlox blood, 

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