Sunday, January 1, 2023

Session 4 - Cragmaw Castle - Part 4 - Parley

Bosque could hear the arguments from the hallway leading to where the discussion had started. Through the door it sounded like Marco and Austri were doing most the arguing.  Once Worra and Bosque walked in they could clearly hear it wasn't arguments, they were slinging insults at each other.

Loxly was standing next to Lecham both looking embarrassed.  Lucky none of the other gybolts we're in the room, other wise this would have gotten violent.

"Quit it," Bosque pushs the two apart. Marco and Austri stop a moment. They look like they are going to start again till they notice Worra.

Austri and Marco say in unison, "Why is she here?!"

"She is here to help us," Bosque says diplomaticly. "Also, we cannot let anyone in the Moondiver Mine. It needs to stay lost."

Austri looking more upset, "You sided with goblins! You were hired to get Gundren to protect him!"

"We were hired to protect a cart and we were paid," Loxly smugly says, he walks closer to Austri. "Out of the graciousness in our hearts and coin promised to our pockets we have arrived to this juncture."

"It just so happens my kin found Gundren  alive, you should be delighted," added Lecham.

"I am yet. You are all supposed to be his friends," the dwarf pleas to all in the room.

"Ah ho-ho, I am no friend of the figora. I spare him only because Prince Lecham was spared," Marco leading over the table while standing on a chair. "No one can open that mine, it means more oppression to my people, more death."

Worra then speaks, "Hillrocker Family Combine. Your family's company, Austri, is in league with Rithal."

Austri defensively says, "My family only digs and we are small combine.  We are not the Montefellers or Rockbattens. We..."

"Gundren wants to be!" Worra ends Austri meek posturing, "He would not give Saroeun the location of the mine when dangling in front of the owlbear. Yet he would fill the room with threats of his coming power, your family's military and connection to Rithal."

Bosque loudly says, "Okay, okay. Let's get this business over. Worra has things to tell us all."

Worra runs a hand over her bald head and says something under her breath.  A large piece of parchment appears in the middle of the table. Ink begins to appear on the parchment as if invisible pens are drawing upon it. Amazed in silence, everyone sees a map of the area.

"Sildar has sent word of Trista Khador's capture and that she is a powerful conjurer to the Nevers^," Worra continues. "In response, the Crosian marchine garrison would send a large platoon of cuirassary* with probably two spellcasters to ensure her transport and imprisonment. Also, to reestablish the constabulary Trisha turned into the Burning Cloaks."

Bosque adds, "Worra and I will go to see how large this group is. If it is more than expected, Sildar's interest lay in occupying Moondive and start securing the area for exploitation of Echo Wave Cave."

Everyone takes in the map as Worra draws a dark green house just east of Moondive. Worra explains the mark, "My olseur**, Trad, has destroyed Gundren's map in route to eliminate the Rat King at a fortified farm house called Green Spinster. Trad will meet you in three days in Moondive. He will be an oceti dressed in a similar cloak as myself."

"He'll be dead and I doubted he'll destroy the map," Austri poking at Worra confidence. "We'll probably be strung up a tree with a smile carved from ear to ear!"

Worra gives a look to Austri that startles him and nearly sents him to the floor.  

She continues drawing and talking. "We all meet up in Moondive in three days then head out to the Moondiver Mine and ensure it says hidden."

Austri straightens himself and looks as proud and confident as he can muster, "If my family is to walk away from the mine, make it impenetrable and stay lost; what is our competition?"

"Hundred thousand gold. How does that sound, Austri?" The statement sounded of no consequences to Worra.

Austri jokingly says, "It will need to be platinum."

Quickly Worra accepts and explains how she will bring the official papers from Neverwane on Bosque and her return to Moondive. The map fades away.

"Well, my fair maiden, I'll need a platinum codpiece and shoes to match to dance away from this opportunity." Loxly jest and querying for a bribe.

"You get fifty thousand gold. Do not ask for more or it will turn into copper," Worra snips.

Embarrassed Loxly nods and does tempt his chances.

Worra gives attention to the gybolts, "Any request, Prince Lecham?"

Lecham and Marco whisper to each other. They ask Worra to step out of the room and close the door behind them.

Bosque puts his ear against the door and motions for everyone to quiet.  Everyone eyes drawn to him listening. After a few minutes, Bosque motions everyone to start talking. Loxly talks about Lincolnwood Forest^^ and his realm of Shergrengrave^^^.  Austri fanes interest so poorly Loxly and Bosque been to laughs making the room feel natural.

Bosque backs away from the door as the goblins walk in followed by the onceti.  The laughter dies down as Marco and Worra gives the hyguier disapproving looks.  

Prince Lecham is sad and addresses the three adventures, "I am going to leave you. As my parting gift you may have Wolfenstein.  He will serve you as faithfully as I had planned.  Marco and the remaining gybolts will meet with our kin and return home.  Our mission is complete."

Lecham hugs Bosque then Austri. When it is Loxly's turn, Lecham says, "You have given us boltian a chance to live, a chance to fight! I will leave gifts buried at the foot of Knotted Rock near Wyvern Tor^^^^ after 5 days from now.  It will not look like much, just trinkets and things of nature. Yet they are the greatest gifts a boltian could give his friends."

Marco takes Lecham by shoulder and kisses his prince on the forehead. Marco says one more insult to Austri then simply says to Bosque and Loxly, "Ah-haha, thank you for returning my prince, higoras! I hope to see you again."

At midmorning, Austri and Loxly are getting Gundren settled in the wagon.  The necromancer's tent helped keep the morning frost from hindering the rigging of the cart.  Biscuit, draught-orge, was ready to move. Austri and Loxly including Wolfenstein began their journey to Moondive.

Loxly was curious how Bosque and Worra will travel fast enough from the Nevers to Moondive in just three days.  Loxly figured she must have some sort of onceti surprise.

Quest to Wyvern Tor (party)
- Prince Lecham's gifts buried near the foot of Knotted Rock.
- Go to Echo Wave Cave and collapse entrance 

Collect 100K Platinum Pieces (Austri Only)
- Convince Gundren, Tharden, and Nundro to give up on the Moondiver Mine.
- Collapse the Moondiver Entrance.
- Worra to give instructions on getting rewards.

Collect 50K Gold Pieces (Loxly Only)
- Collapse the Moondiver Entrance.
- Worra to give instructions on getting rewards.

Entry into Urraedi Arimavor and location of mentors killer (Bosque Only)
- Collapse the Moondiver Entrance.
- Worra will give two toll piece (soul exchanged for gold) and instructions on getting reward.

Trad, Loxly, Bosque, Austri, Gundren, Worra, Marco, Lecham,Cuirassary, corrinque, Nevers, Wyvern Tor, Olseur, 

Cuirassary* soldiers that ware a breast and back plate armor. Many carry boomstocks with bayonets.  Normally supported with brigantry, platoons carry large shields and swords or spear/pikes.

Olseur** rank below Mailey and is a mailey in training. Normally from a different noble house or school of training.

Nevers^, nickname for Neverwane and Neverwax, fortified cities on opposite banks of the Waning River.

Lincolnwood Forest^^ 


Wyvern Tor^^^^



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