Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Session 6 - Prologue - Part 2 - Secrets of Neverwane

Worra knows the orisons cravered on the outer hull gave her seaworthy ship some of the properties of the wind; importantly being formless and powerful.  Her ship is nearly invisible from the outside and faster than any skiff on this continent. Her fear was not of night time, no living thing should see the flying longship cut through the air. Her fear was of daylight, the skyskiff would be an opaque mist with a faint rainbow trail. Definitely something to gossip about.

It echoes in here mind that skyskiffs are precious; to pilot one is an honor and to own one is an obligation of secrecy. The Cross Kingdom pays high bounties for these flying ships and their pilots.  Captured passengers are put to the sword and left to be a feast for carrion eating beasts.

"I named the longskiff, Dorra.  After my sister, whom was a cartographer, historian, and linguist," the onceti saying both cheerful and sad.  "She loved traveling.  She died in Crossica."

Bosque did not know how to respond seeing her sadness. He replies, "I am sorry to hear. Can you tell me what happened?"

It was quiet for a long time after that.  Only the muted wind against the invisible aura occupied the space.

Worra broke the silence a hour later. "We set down during dawn. That way the skiff will have little chance of beginning seen and we get a bit of light."

Bosque nods his head and returns to marveling at the speed and ease the skyskiff travels. His memory goes to the sailing seaships that brought him to the Cross Continent.  

The onceti continues stands at the stern with a long handled steering paddle within her grip.  A group of small mountain between them and the Nevers marked their heading.  The Dawn Star rises over the eastern sea as they travel northwest.  She smiles spotting a storm of high clouds gathering and pushing toward the Nevers.

Bosque sees Worra pull the ship into a spot that she must have used before.  It was too well tucked and hidden to find with luck; perfectly hidden among the rocks, trees and tall shrubbery.  As soon as Dorra settled and further hidden, the sorceress and ranger were on trail with a couple of bags between them.  They were quickly on the Waning Road and couple of hours later at Neverwane's door.

Rain had been pouring over the last hour as they walked to the fortress city of Neverwane.  The rain became worst as Worra and Bosque passed through the deep cavernous gate.  The platoon of guards and inspectors worried more about refuge from the deluge then inspection and security.  The ranger and sorceress were relieved to step out of the rain and into the line to enter Neverwane.

Once it was their turn of inspection, the gate captain gave little less than a wave to have a yomen write down their false names.  She waved harder to keep them moving and get them away from her station.  It poured rain as the two made their way through the streets and alleys.  They found their rest at the Blue Tigon* Public House near the onceti markets.

The pair slept in adjoining rooms. The host expressed that female folk ought to stay in a separate wing but gave little care after being give double rate up front for a two night stay.  The two even paid extra for tubs, hot water and soap to be brought up within an hour.

Bosque was refreshed after a nap, a bath and another nap. He felt the need to eat and was curious if Worra would join him. He knocks on her door and listens to silence on the otherside. Suspicious, he unsheaths his dagger slowly and begins to pry the lock on the door.  Hearing footsteps coming up stairway and he hurries picking the lock.  The lock releases and the ranger enters the room. He see nothing wrong in the sorceress' room.  He tries to close the door, yet it says a jar.  He forces it again.

"What are you doing?" The voice says on the otherside of the door. "Are you trying to hobble me, Bosque, or seek my wrath?"

Bosque looks down seeing Worra's boot then release the door.  "My apologies, I was worried."

She smiles as she enters. "No harm. I like that your first instinct is to commit burglary. We'll need that spirit tonight."

Worra and Bosque eat a meal consisting of onceti delicacies in the form of wine, cheese, fruit and bread.  Her love of markets like Neverwane's Syzygy Market Square shows as she talks of her day.  She discusses the payment arrangement for Austri and Loxly through an Onceti jeweler and pawnbroker named Nonnac.

"I should have asked for gold back in that room," jokingly says the ranger.

The sorceress replies, "You will be rewarded with thine riches 10 fold than that of Austri." Worra's mood get serious and says, "On the matter of riches, our night ends with a murder and robbery."

She explains that there is a dinner party in honor Neverwane's full control of the Neverchain.  The chain that stretches across the Waning River and prevents ships from moving freely between the river Lone Tower Harbour.  The taxes and fees are worth millions of gold pieces a season. Worra wonders what Neverwane gave to it's rival sister city Neverwax for such a victory.  She suspects the Cross Kingdom completed the occupation of Neverwax now wants full control of the Nevers.  This is the bait to reel in the big catch.

She lays out the plan to rob and murder Neverwane's Last Word of the People+, Chomic Varpe Elderberry++, after his dinner party within his domuswaerden. Taking his coin and secrets with them in the form of a locked chest in his sleeping chamber.  Getting out of the six story house that acts as warehouse, stable and mansion will be a problematic.

Worra and Bosque watch Elderberry entertain all the other hyguier nobles and various military from the roof top terrace of another domuswaerden.  If anyone noticed the sorceress or ranger, they would look like a noble woman enjoying the cold city night air with her attending guard. Bosque did not feel much like a guard.  He was limited to a couple of daggers, lock pick kit, few piton, a small hammer and rope.  All in which he needed to keep hidden.

Worra mentions, "There are a lot of Crossican Officers. Namely the Neverwax Garrison Commander, Huw Liam Butler, a drunken jealous self-servicing nepotist.  His garrison must be expanding into Neverwane."

The ranger guesses the sorceress know more about this party then she let him in on.

"I want to listen and see what they are talking about," she says while snaping her fingers.

A small beautiful dragon with blue feathered wings lands on a table near the sorceress.  She pets the orn*** as it walks closer then picks it up with both hands.  Bosque watches her whisper to it. The blue orn with yellow feathery belly then takes flight and circles Elderberry's party. The orn tries to land on a ledge but  disappears in a blue puff of mist.

"Sard-fire, my familiar!" Worra says trying to keep the curse to herself. Bosque is filled with surprise and delight as he had never heard Worra curse before.

The sorceress looks at the ranger, "They have a wizard and they know someone just poked them."

The ranger shrugs showing no care to the new development.  He starts listening and looking around.  He seeing a few carts beginning unloaded through the storage entrance of Elderberry's home. He tell Worra, "They are taking deliveries still. We'll just slip in that way."

As Bosque looks back one more time at the party, he notices a man dressed in the green robes of a wizard whispering into Elderberry's ear. He points to the place the orn struck the barrier.  Elderberry waves him off and the wizard storms aways. The ranger keeps watch and now knows which room the wizard came from.

"...and kill a wizard."

Bosque was surprised how easy it was to enter the storage underyard of the domuswaerden.  Worra could tell there were many wards and runes to protect the Elderberry's home. Many to warn the wizard if intruders entered into specific areas. They found some servant tunics imbued with magic and hoped these would allow for easier access through the six story building. They put the tunics over their clothes and entered through a servant entrance.

As they entered, many beautifully dressed ladies and gentlemen of various tastes were lined up in the butlery. The ranger and sorceress stayed hidden in a mist of shadow as a cross red-faced old woman in a black dress yelled at the courtesans. A older man in butler attire handed out ribbons they tired to their wrists.

The old lady yelled, "Do not take these ribbons off for no reason, or the wizard in this house pull your soul out and keep in in a glass! Now entertain!"

Soon the group was out of the room and up the stairs. Bosque and Worra both notice the butler locking the ribbons in large key cabinet in the room and placing a elegant serving cart into a dumbwaiter before he scurried off.

Worra seeing the courtesans whispers to Bosque, "I think Elderberry is going to have an apology gift for the wizard."

Bosque glances back at Worra noticing that she looks mesmerizing. He leads as they walk down the hallways and stairs leading to the wizard's chambers. He knocks on the door he thinks belongs to the wizard.  No response.

More knocking.  A couple of servants pass too busy to notice the two standing in front of the door.  No response.

Bosque knocks even louder, longer and quicker.  A different door opens and the wizard steps out and yelling, "That is a servant pantry!"

The ranger and sorceress both quickly move toward the wizard.

Bosque says in a theatric nasally ascent, "Oh dear sir, I am new and I am so excited for you. The Last Word Elderberry wished to apologize for his rudeness earlier with a gift."

The wizard assumes Worra is his gift and is charmed immediately by the onceti woman. He takes her by the hand and leads her into his chamber. Bosque follows with quick steps.

"Lastly, the master wishes you to have this wine as well," Bosque added as he faces the door closing it while looking out into the hall. He sets the wine down next to a glass decanter on a side board near the door.

When Bosque turns around, Worra has the wizard gripped by the throat and raised off the ground.  The sorceress' other hand had changed into black long fingered claw. The ranger watches as she pulls the soul from the wizard.  Worra drops the wizard as the soul arcs and forms into ball.  Worra motions for the stunned Bosque to hand her a small glass decanter.

Moments later, the sorceress hides the now wax sealed glass vessel containing wizard's soul and his recovered spell book within the room's wardrobe. The ranger tucks the wizard's body into bed and wonders again what creature his partner is.

With one less problem and few hours left, Bosque and Worra decide to divide tasks.  Bosque will retrieve Elderberry's diary, papers and other wealth within his locked chest.  Worra is to go up to party and charm her way to Elderberry, listen and maybe cause havoc amongs the military.  

Bosque finds Elderberry's room easily, gains access with no problem and goes to where the chest is said to be.  He goes to unlock it and he can not.  One of his lock picks breaks jamming up action of the lock.  The ranger thinks what he can do next.

He hears foot steps and door swings open. Bosque slides under the bed.  Servants push a well-made cart into the room, light all the oil lamps and a fire. They talk about how their master has been taken by tall bald woman with long earlobes and how rowdy the officers are getting.  One office already loosing a finger and an other an eye. They sprinkle flower pedals on the bed and the ground.  Bosque hears the talk more and straighten the room more.

The servants finally leave and Bosque slides out. The ranger decides to pop the pins out of the hinges using a piton and hammer. Inside is the inflammatory diary of Chomic Varpe Elderberry, separate correspondence from the Rat King, Inner Court of Floed Rithal and Sildar of Nortica, and below the papers, twenty-five thousand in crossian gold pieces. He does not have time to read and shoves everything back into the chest.

The door bursts open and an shadowy outline stands head down in the doorway.

"I am going to piss and shite everywhere! That whore hogging misanthrope is going to love what I do when I unsheth my man dagger," says the middle-aged man wearing a Crossian captain's uniform. Bosque recognizes Captain Butler. He is holding his scabbard sword in hand as he enters the room while pulling his pants down. 

He then mumbles, "Elderberry will definitely be in the mood with this aroma." The captain faces the wall opposite of Bosque, drawing arcs of urine. Spraying and dowsing the plaster, paintings and furniture while laughing with drunken revenge.

The ranger knows there is no time to hide.  The man has not noticed him trying to stay still and unnoticed. Bosque desides to draws his two daggers waiting for a good time to strike or hoping Butler would finish and leave the room.  The ranger prayers the captain pulls his pants up before needing to fight him.

The man turns around to face his rear into a corner saying, "The lovers better beware of my brown cobra!" 

After being comfortably underway, Butler's pants are completely down and around his boots. While straining, the captain looks up and notices the ranger.

Captain Butler training kicks in and he tries to draw his sword. The ranger steps to attack then stops as the soldier fumbles his sabre. The sword begins to fall out a window near the captain's vandelism.  Bosque thinks to himself if the man had his pants on he would have easily caught it, drunk or not.  Yet the intoxicated jealous captain trips and humorously falls out open the window. 

Bosque only assumes the captain died from falling five stories.  He does not have time to check as Worra opens the door.  The ranger dives underneath the bed.  

Worra and Elderberry both are laughing, the laughter fills the room. Bosque is distracted by the thought of  watching a man evacuate himself in revenge then comit accidental suicide trying to attack him. It was made worse that he could see the man's remains laying on the wood floor a tracking flies.  The ranger's concentration was broken by Worra's cloak and Elderberry's clothes hitting the floor.  He moves into action at the sound of choking and gurgling.

Bosque pulls himself from under the bed. Sees the two struggling. Worra on bottom, facing her attacker and pushing his chin and body away.  Elderberry on top, both hands around her throat. His face transformed--no nose, no eyes-- just a large demonic snapping mouth with purple tongue wrapping around Worra's face.  Bosque with all his strength stabs Elderberry through the head and cuts the tongue.  Worra falls off the bed and unwraps the tongue from her head.  

Elderberry whips back taking Bosque's dagger with him.  The monster Elderberry is squirms along the wall, spreading the captain's mess.  The monster pulls violently on the dagger stuck in it's skull.  The ranger, improvising, pulls an oil sconce off the wall and throws it into the beast gruggling, gabbing and gnawing maw.

It takes a few bites before the scones bursts into flame.  The immolated creature burns from the inside and out. Bosque pulls two more scones from the wall and feeds them violently into squealing thing.  It stops moving as the fire begins to steadily burn within the gapping jaw.  The sorceress steps in and she sprays a ray of frost into the remains of Elderberry simultaneously insuring the monster is dead and putting out the fire.

"We need to get out of here, if their is one of these there can be more," saying the wraspy voiced Worra.

Bosque replies, "We have a problem. That captain, he fell out the window."

"Perfect, a better cover," she coughs.

Worra seems drained from the struggle with Elderberry yet casts prestidigitation clean the room and Elderberry's body after the fight.  Bosque gets a flash of inspiration and hopes to find the cart the servants used earlier.  Lucky, he finds it tucked at the end of the hall next to a door only a few feet tall. He opens the short door and sees the dumbwaiter.  He smoothly hurries back to the room, noding to a noble with a courtesan.  

He enters the room and says, "We'll shove elderberry and his chest below and use these table cloths to cover everything."

Worra nods and they load.  Bosque tries to disguise the shape of a body the best he can while Worra puts on her cloak.  They leave the room, the sorceress goes down to the butlery and kitchen. The ranger loads the dumbwaiter with a bit of trouble getting everything into the shaft.  Once he was done, he headed down the stairs.

Bosque is surprised not to see Worra already in the butlery.  He pushes that concern aside as he brings down the platform with treasure and beast.  He hears a commotion and screams from outside.  

Worra runs from the underyard into the bultery saying, "They found Hue. I got a draft orge and wagon, hurry!" 

The ranger notices she has the bottle containing the wizard's soul and his spell book in sack next to her on the driver's bench of the wagon. Bosque loads the chest first then the sheet covered body into one of the large empty casks already on the wagon.  Servants and guests can be heard coming down the stairs.  

Lucky, they are out of underyard and around the corner before any potential witnesses see them exit.

Now hidden in a warehouse a few blocks from Syzygy Market Square.  Sunrise is only a couple of hours away.  Nonnac looks over the strange remains of Elderberry with Worra.

The jeweler rubs his bald onceti head and says, "He's some kind of lich. Just not undead." 

Worra and Nannoc both discuss remains further.  

Bosque is more interested in reading letters and pieces of parchment out of Elderberry's chest.  In a series of message rolls, he discovers Sildar only wished to recover Trista and restore order. He implored sending enough soldiers to help Moondive recover from the abuse of the Burning Cloaks and bring Trista to justice. Sildar did make a request on Gundar's behalf to Elderberry to allow more enguier hill-dwarves to transit through Neverwane's ports.

Worra interrupt his reading to tell him, "Nannoc is senting one of his servants to collect our things, gimme your key and sign this letter."

Bosque hands the key over and signs, then returns to reading.

The ranger finds a folded letter, sealed with wax, with a smooth flat black rock inside.  The letter was written by Sildar to Elderberry concerning his induction into Nortica and explains the magic rocks use as a key and compass for the nobles alliance's caches and properties.  Bosque pockets the letter and rock.

The rest of the documents are Elderberry's reports from the Rat King of his failings and promises to help his carve out a new kingdom with a never ending army of iron golems that would crush the Cross Kingdom's ferroquin.

Elderberry's diary, speaks of many irrelevant personal conquests.  He remarks the Rat King is a joke and over promises beyond reason.  It was impressive for him to have recruited so many boltian to his cause. The Burningstaff at least gave many of unaligned landgraves leaning towards annexation into the Cross Kingdom.

He writes entries asking Captain Bulter for a company of boomstocks, firejacques, and the fearsome walking walls of armor called ferroquins to assist in tying up loose ends like  Trista and Rat King.  The garrison commander informs he can spare one highly trained group of adventures to exterminate vermin such as these.  

The groups name is the Jack Terriers, their armed with boomstocks, a light ferroquin, and armored mastiff that enjoys iced buns.  They were to meet up with the Rat King three days ago at the Green Spinster and poss as new recruits for the Burning Cloaks.  Their real orders are to get the Rat King to Echo Wave Cave and execute him after verifying the existence of the mage forge.  Afterwards, Elderberry was going to be given newly created landgrave of Neverdive, command of three thousand Crossian Cuirassary and hold a title of Marqois given by Floed Rithal and the Inner-court.  

Bosque thinks about how Prince Lecham and Marco were correct about the implication of Moondive Mine on the region.

Lastly, there is a small book log with a letter asking for salted boltian to be shipped up the Waning River to the landgrave of Tarte.  The rate for intact bodies of gybolts go for 15 gp each, dybolts at 30 gp each, and 50 for orbolts.  Ten fold if alive. Meet with Captain Gozo each Loknesday at pier 96.  The log starts with entries from 20 years ago and ends with nearly 500,000 gp in profit.  Seeing this might have been how Elderberry rose to his prominence in Neverwane.

Nannoc sees Bosque exhausted from reading. He slaps Bosque's shoulder and tells him, "I am going to pour over these later, give a good read.  If you come back this way, ask for Nannoc at the Syzygy Market Square. I'll find you and I'll talk to you about anything you probably should know."

Nannoc collects the papers and drops a heavy leather sack of gold coins on the table and walks a few steps away.

"Also, this is yours from Elderberry." A tollpiece clangs on to the table.

After a long bath and a few hours of sleep, the pair were on their way to Dorra. Many hours later they were just outside of Moondive in the middle of a cold night.

Smoke was on the wind. Frost on the ground. Worra found her self shocked as Trad hung frost covered dead in a tree, his feet and legs burned off. Bosque notices they are just a mile outside of Moondive.  After cutting him down and piling cold rocks over his body, they moved on.

Both Bosque and Worra feared for Austri, Loxly, Gawyn and No Name as the burning smell of wood and flesh became unbearable as they entered Moondive.

Bosque Level 5!

Salted Boltian Trade (Anyone)
- Find Captain Gozo
- Transport any number of salted whole Boltian in large casks to Pier 96 in Neverwane 
- Reward: Gold and travel to Tarte.

Nortica Black Key stone and letter
(Note: Sildar has one of these.)

1000 gold pieces

Lockpick Kit


Tigon, extremely wide faced Tiger like reptile.  Has feathery like fur.

Last Word of the People, Chief of Staff Artisan or Political Group 

Chomic Varpe Elderberry, joke from holy grail. "Your father is hung like a hamster and smells of Elderberries."

Larpin Handiak, hard work gift, polish?

Orn, a small feathered dragon


0200 - left Cragmaw
0300 - fought Suteo
0400 - flight over Triboar Trail and The Waning Road (no troops could be found)
1000 - Dawn, settling Dorra, skyskiff, starts raining
1200 - Neverwane Gate, heavy rain
1300 - Blue Tigon, raining, Bosque nap
1400 - Tubs, hot, water and food for Bosque and Worra
1500 - stops raining, Bosque Nap; Worra sees Onceti Affiliated Merchant Company at Syzygy Market Square (Largest in Neverwane and very close to Blue Tigon).
1530 - Nonnac (jeweler, pawnbroker, exchange banker) arranges payment for Austri and Loxly and directs Worra to Atsillab.
1600 - Atsillab is a baker and Onceti Herald, will sign off note for murder and rob of major's chief of staff, Chomic Varpe Elderberry*, for reasons at home. Also, talks of a matter with Gybolts concerning the need for a new green ilse in the Oncet.
1900 - Bosque Awakes, Knocks on Worra's door, see her walking into hallway with wine, fruit, bread, cheeses, and few other implements in a bag.
1930 - Talk of plan.
1800 - Dusk
2200 - Ready....Moondive Attacked by Trista, remains of Burning Cloaks, Dragon Cult, and Dragon
2300 - Arrive at Elderberry's
2600 - Still Partying, Captain Huw Liam Butler poisoned by Worra
0200 - Murder Elderberry, Find gold and platinum in chest, diary and other documents.
0300 - Leave with items.
0400 - Meet with Nonnac, take receipts for notes for Austri and Loxly.
1200 - Leave Neverwane
1400 - Skyskiff
1800 - Leave for Moondive
2400 - Arrive at outside Moondive, no Troops spotted
2500 - Meet group in Moondive 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Aurhark - Bow and Arrows - Magic Weapon - Ridiculously Rare

Weapon (longbow), ridiculously rare (requires attunement)

A magical weapon that was gifted to onseti elven wilderness rangers after defending against unfathomable odds.  Crafted from ridiculously rare bowstave of the golden bough, the horn of the elusive cuerno azul*, and glue from the blood of the strongest orlox **. Few are made and few are given.  Those that bare these long bow live in peace there after and are only attacked by fools and those soon to cross the black expanse of the Astralos.

This magical bow grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with it. When you cast a ranger spell, it grants a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls, and your spell save DC increases by 3.

While you wield Aurhark, you gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision to 60 feet or greater, add 30 feet to the range of your darkvision instead. You can communicate telepathically with any willing creature you can see within 30 feet.

Range 600 ft, 1D8 piercing damage, ammunition (arrows, solshaft)

Aurhark fills your quiver with 15 + your level in arrow of pure sunlight called solshaft. Each solshaft can deliver different damage, you must select prior to letting loose a solshaft at a target.

These arrow disappears when used and reappears in your quiver, or otherwise in your possession if you have no quiver, the next morning at dawn.

Solflare. A white glowing arrow appears in your hand and when the strike your target a burst of sunlight erupts from you target that can cause them to be disoriented.

These arrows cause additional 2D6 radiant damage. The target rolls a DC 14 Constitution saving throw; on a failure, they are blinded until the beginning of your next turn.

Sollighting. A red shining arrow appears in your hand burning with red fiery lighting ready to call fury on your target.

These arrows cause additional 2D6 lightning damage . When you cast a ranger spell, you can expend 2 solshafts per spell slot level to double the damage your spell inflicts.

Soleclipse. A arrow the shade of night appears with black glowing energy that strikes fear into mind of your target.  

While you are hidden or invisible, your attacks with this arrow deal 2D6 psychic damage instead of any other kind of damage they would deal. Attacks you make with this arrow do not end your invisibility or reveal your position, if they otherwise would.


+Aurhark, aur (welch, gold), hark (Albanian, bow, arc)

*Blue horn

**Orlox blood, 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Occura Dagael - Brace of Arm Rings - Magical Weapon - Ridiculously Rare

Occura Dagael
Weapon (a pair of brace of arm rings), ridiculously rare (requires attunement)

A magical weapon with many imbedded runes calling thunder, lighting and fire under your influence.  This weapon counts as being Unarmed and 5ft reach in melee attacks. 

1D6 Bludgeoning.

You gain a +3 bonus to Melee Attack and Damage Rolls made with this weapon, which deals bludgeoning damage. A unmodified hit roll result of 18 or higher counts as a Critical Hit with this weapon.

This pair of brace of arm rings has the number of charges up to two times the level of the user. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more charges to cast spells from the Occura Dagael.

Occura Dagael regains 1D10 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Sutomet the Dragon's Left Hand of Doom. 1st Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Melee Attack, Cone Range 5ft, S M component (hold your fists at a right angle, let rings charge up on left arm, punch; Occura Dagael, 1 to 10 charges), Instantaneous.

All the rings gather on your right arm, you gain 1D10 fire damage per 1 charge spent to move a ring from your right to your powerfully left arm. When you punch, a cone of fire engulfs your target.  The more power you invest in the attack the cone grows to engulf more creatures in the cornucopia of fire. A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it isn’t being worn or carried.

For each charge spent, the cone of the attack increase by 5ft after the 1st charge.

Brace of Forward Focused Thunder. 2nd Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Range 60 ft, S M component (push fist forward toward target; Occura Dagael, 1 to 10 charges), Instantaneous.

You create a battering ram of thunder in capsulated by the rings from one brace. The thunder hits one or more creatures of your choice that you see in range. The brace deals 1D8 thunder damage per charge spent to it's target. The focused thunder all strike simultaneously.

Targeted creatures must take a DC 18 Construction save. On a fail, they are Deafened and knocked back 15 ft.

Circle of Lightning. 5th Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Range 250 ft, S M component (hold your fists at a right angle, make circle and point at target; Occura Dagael, 1 to 10 charges), Instantaneous.

The rings encircle one target. The rings deals 1D6 lightning damage per charge spent to it's target.

If you spend 2+ charges, target must take a DC 14 Constitution Save. On a fail, target is Blinded.

If you spend 5+ charges, target must take a DC 16 Constitution Save. On a fail, target is Stunned.

If you spend 8+ charges, target must take a DC 18 Constitution Save. On a fail, target is Unconscious.

Target only takes one save and multiple fails stack.

Occura Dagael, okura (Yoruba, ring), Dagael (Somali, fight)

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Moonlight Fang - Boomerang - Magical Weapon - Stupendously Rare

Moonlight Fang
Weapon (boomerang), stupendously rare (requires attunement)

A magical weapon with many imbedded runes. A new rune darken as you increase in skill. Levels are unlocked as character gains coresponding level.

You gain a +3 bonus to Melee Attack and Damage Rolls made with this weapon, which deals necrotic damage. When you hit a Divine or Holy empowered creature with it, that target takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.

The boomerang's shadow blade emits dark iridescent fog in a 15-foot radius and faint fog for an additional 15 feet. The fog contains moonlight. While the blade is unsheathed, you can use an Action to expand or reduce its radius of fog and faint fog by 5 feet each, to a maximum of 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each.

Moonarang. Level 0. Melee Weapon Attack. Finesse, Light, Range, Thrown. Reach 5ft. Range 60/160 (returns on DC 16 Wisdom check).

1D4 necrotic damage.

Moon Arc Burst. Level 1. wand, stupendously rare.

This boomerang has the number of charges up to level of the user. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cast Moon Arc. For 1 charge, you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each charge you expend.

Moonlight Fang regains 1D6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Moon arcs. 1st Level Evocation, 1 Action, V S M component ('tres arku luna'; throwing-like motion ending with pointing at target; Moonlight Fang), Instantaneous. 

You create three dark moon arcs of magical necrotic energy. Each moon arc hits a creature of your choice that you see in range. A moon arc deals 1D4 + 1 necrotic damage to it's target. The arcs all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

At Higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more boomerang for each slot level above 1st.

Magic Eclipse. Level 2. 2nd Level Evocation, Reaction, M component (Sunlight Fang and Moonlight Fang), Instantaneous. 

A shield forms from the two boomerangs and their repulsion of each other deflects a magical attack once per day.  On a successful DC 18 Wisdom check, reflects half damage back to the source of the magical attack.  Damage increase by a quarter per user level up to full power of magical attack.

Blackmoon Fang-saw. Level 3. Melee Weapon Attack. Reach 5 ft.

2D8 necrotic damage.

You use 2 Moon Arc charges to condense some of the moonlight emitted from the boomerang into teeth that float above the blade's edge.  The teeth race each other in succession to a shadowy blur.  The teeth tear through flesh and bone, and a fan of bloody slurry sprays meters from creature's wounds. The teeth have no effect on the wielder.

Saga of the Astralos. Level 4. Range Weapon Attack. Finesse, Range, Thrown, Secral*. Range 60/160 (returns on DC 16 Wisdom check).

Requires both the Sunlight Fang and Moonlight Fang.

3d10 + 6 force damage (included +3 bonus from Sunlight and Moonlight fangs)

You force the two fangs to lay side by side. Opposing energies build between the two blades beyond controllable limit. Sunlight and moonlight ropey drips flow from the two boomerangs. When thrown, the impact separates the two fangs causing a blast of 4d10 + 6 force damage. Target take a DC 18 Constitution Save, on a fail the target is sent 15 feet back and is prone. 

The fangs are secral*. You have a chance of ripping your target through the median plane into two parts after impact on a roll of 20 causing instantaneous death.  A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to force damage, has the option to divide into smaller pieces, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big to be cut in half with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 20d6 force damage from the hit.

Soularc Aurora Caliber Beam. Level 5. 10th Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Line 25 ft and wide 1000 ft long, V S M component ('Bankai, Senbonzakura kageyoshi.'; drop Fangs while looking at target; Sunlight Fang, Moonlight Fang, and Caster's HP), Instantaneous.

Keep your target in view then let go of each Fang in both hands while holding out both arms upward to eye level.  Say the magic words while doing so. The fangs will slowly descend into the ground making ripples of light and dark energy until they disappear.  A thousand towering angled blades surround you then shatter into a thousand smaller Fangs both light and dark.  A million black-cold and white-hot cherry blossom pedal-like blades stream from you in a great force causing a million cuts to you and all creatures in front of you for a 1000 feet, shreading friends and foes alike.

X equals Caster's Hit points spent. Caster loses these Hit points.

2(XD6 + X) force damage. 

All creatures covered by the spell take a DC X Constitution Save, on a success creatures take half damage and are prone.

Caster using this attack must take a DC X Wisdom Save. On success, you are at 1 hp and prone. On failure, you instantly killed and cannot be revived.

Sunlight Fang - Boomerang - Magical Weapon - Stupendously Rare

Sunlight Fang
Weapon (boomerang), stupendously rare (requires attunement)

A magical weapon with many imbedded runes. A new rune shines as you increase in skill. Levels are unlocked as character gains coresponding level.

You gain a +3 bonus to Melee Attack and Damage Rolls made with this weapon, which deals radiant damage. When you hit an Undead with it, that target takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage.

The boomerang's luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light is sunlight. While the blade is unsheathed, you can use an Action to expand or reduce its radius of bright and dim light by 5 feet each, to a maximum of 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each.

Sunarang. Level 0. Melee Weapon Attack. Finesse, Light, Range, Thrown. Reach 5ft. Range 60/160 (returns on DC 16 Wisdom check).

1D4 radiant damage.

Sun Arc Burst. Level 1. wand, stupendously rare

This boomerang has the number of charges up to level of the user. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge to cast Sun Arc. For 1 charge, you cast the 1st-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each charge you expend.

Sunlight Fang regains 1D6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.

Sun arcs. 1st Level Evocation, 1 Action, V S M component ('tres arku son'; throwing-like motion ending with pointing at target; Sunlight Fang), Instantaneous. 

You create three glowing sun arcs of magical radiant energy. Each sun arc hits a creature of your choice that you see in range. A sun arc deals 1D4 + 1 radiant damage to it's target. The arcs all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.

At Higher levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the spell creates one more boomerang for each slot level above 1st.

Magic Eclipse. Level 2. 2nd Level Evocation, Reaction, M component (Sunlight Fang and Moonlight Fang), Instantaneous. 

A shield forms from the two boomerangs and their repulsion of each other deflects a magical attack once per day.  On a successful DC 18 Wisdom check, reflects half damage back to the source of the magical attack.  Damage increase by a quarter per user level up to full power of magical attack.

Whitesun Fang-saw. Level 3. Melee Weapon Attack. Reach 5 ft.

2D8 radiant damage.

You use 2 Sun Arc charges to condense some of the sunlight emitted from the boomerang into teeth that float above the blade's edge.  The teeth race each other in succession to a blazing blur.  The teeth tear through flesh and bone, and a fan of bloody slurry sprays meters from creature's wounds. The teeth have no effect on the wielder.

Saga of the Astralos. Level 4. Range Weapon Attack. Finesse, Range, Thrown, Secral*. Range 60/160 (returns on DC 16 Wisdom check).

Requires both the Sunlight Fang and Moonlight Fang.

3d10 + 6 force damage (included +3 bonus from Sunlight and Moonlight fangs)

You force the two fangs to lay side by side. Opposing energies build between the two blades beyond controllable limit. Sunlight and moonlight ropey drips flow from the two boomerangs. When thrown, the impact separates the two fangs causing a blast of 4d10 + 6 force damage. Target take a DC 18 Constitution Save, on a fail the target is sent 15 feet back and is prone. 

The fangs are secral*. You have a chance of ripping your target through the median plane into two parts after impact on a roll of 20 causing instantaneous death.  A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to force damage, has the option to divide into smaller pieces, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big to be cut in half with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 3d20 force damage from the hit.

Soularc Aurora Caliber Beam. Level 5. 10th Level, Evocation, 1 Action, Line 25 ft and wide 1000 ft long, V S M component ('Bankai, Senbonzakura kageyoshi.'; drop Fangs while looking at target; Sunlight Fang, Moonlight Fang, and Caster's HP), Instantaneous.

Keep your target in view then let go of each Fang in both hands while holding out both arms upward to eye level.  Say the magic words while doing so. The fangs will slowly descend into the ground making ripples of light and dark energy until they disappear.  A thousand towering angled blades surround you then shatter into a thousand smaller Fangs both light and dark.  A million black-cold and white-hot cherry blossom pedal-like blades stream from you in a great force causing a million cuts to you and all creatures in front of you for a 1000 feet, shreading friends and foes alike.

X equals Caster's Hit points spent. Caster loses these Hit points.

2(XD6 + X) force damage. 

All creatures covered by the spell take a DC X Constitution Save, on a success creatures take half damage and are prone.

Caster using this attack must take a DC X Wisdom Save. On success, you are at 1 hp and prone. On failure, you instantly killed and cannot be revived.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Session 6 - Prologue - Part 1 - Worra's Watch

Worra leads as Bosque follows.  

They are more than three miles from the peel castle heading north.  Any light from the castle is gone. The night is forms into beautiful swirl of in deep royal blue, purple and black. Various sized pinholes of light in the perforated sky guide and light the way.  The chill on the air keeps the pair aware in the quiet woods.

Worra loves the dark vision her people were gifted by the Seedaeri*.  Starlight far from hyguier sight can be seen making the night sky more precious than the light of the day.  She cannot wait till she is home and it is the long winter.  The cold, the snow, the darkness, babbles of light wanding the sky in perfect order.

Worra notices Bosque has finally stopped looking back with longing.  She knows he is uncomfortable with her and prefers the company of his party.  Yet Bosque is a good partner for this quest.  Instinctively quiet, attentive to his surroundings and follows her guidance with no resistances.

Worra stops.  Bosque on alert.

They are between the tree line and a sheer rock cliff above them. A stone face so hostal nothing grows the entire way up.  She removes a flat round river stone from her satchel.  It faintly glows with runes that only a handful on Cross can read. She points in a direction where it looks completely impossible to climb.

Bosque's eye brow says everything. "You're in charge."

Worra walks tightly against base of the cliff.  A cold wind slices through them and she can sense Bosque knows her expression is worried. Her fingers are spread, dragging against the rock surface searching for something. Bosque patiently follows with hands resting on his weapons.

Worra stops. Bosque is alert.

Something can be heard over the biting wind.  Bosque looks like he knows what it is.  Worra whispers something into the stone.  Presses cold lips on cold stone. From the kiss, a low luminous burst radiates long the stone.  She looks for an echo of light to return. She moves further down the wall.

Worra stops. Bosque is hunting.

She can hear Bosque, faintly. She hears somebody else, clearly.  She whispers again and kisses again.  The light does not echo along the wall.  Something is behind her, growing, black with hate, green with envy.

"What are you doing with this hyguier?" Speaks the shadow.

Worra turning slowly, changing her stance to something frightening and taller than she was.

Menacing Worra speaks in a low choir of her voice multipled, "He is part of my plan. You cannot question me, Shadow King."

"Therefore you are challenged.  The hyguier is challenged," the Shadow King replies in the same speak. "I will grant you what you seek because I have taken it from you."

Worra wants to threaten the shadow. It disappears in fire light.  Bosque, whom has been thrown, lands were the shadow was.  The smell of singe follows the ranger.  Bosque catches a glimpse of what could be Worra's true form.

Bosque breaks silence with groans and a few words, "Help me. I saw as you were. You are more formidable than I."

"No," she says in the voice Bosque knows. "My test is to not interfere. Your test is to survive."

Worra is judge of this fight.

She can see Bosque understands this is concerns the toll coins and that she maybe deeper in the Urraedi than she let on.  Worra does not want to pick sides though he wishes Bosque to come out whole from his initiation.

Night is a time for prey to be hunted by predators.  Packs of wolves, lone tigons**, things that are silent and armed with fangs. In these woods, nothing is more dangerous than Bosque, Worra and the demon of fire burning the woods in front of them.  An ellipse of blazing forest pins them against the cliff wall. Bosque reveals the angled blades, baring his fangs.

"Painted wooden sticks!" The monster says loudly finishing with a laugh.

"They are Sunlight Fang and Moonlight Fang," Bosque yells, "and you will extinguish your flame!"

Bosque throws both blades unsure the affect they will have against the being of fire.  Angels are know to have radiant magic along with fire.  Demons can be of necrotic magic and control infernos. They weave amongst the trees like torches.  Bosque is doing the same, trying to find a flank and a weakness in tall walking pyre.

The magical boomerangs are deflected by one swing of the heated metal hammer.  The boomerangs fly back into the night toward Bosque.  The walking furnaces comes closer to Worra.

"This hyguier is no challenge, Worra!"

She recognizes the voice and smoldering complexion through the inflamed aura of his hair and beard.

"Suteo," Worra calmly says, "It is his first volley and you are always over confident.  You mind to watch yourself."

The stout brawny man wreathed in fire laughs, "I order confident because I win." Suteo points one of his near molten hammers at her, "On that, do not forget your bargain." 

A whistle is heard in the air. Suteo turns quickly and swings a hammer, sending slag into the air.  The two boomerangs are deflected into the night and flames.

Worra hears Suteo laugh as he walks off igniting the trees and brush as he searches for Bosque.  The laughing stops as she sees the first chevron shaped voids strike the flaming man, sparks fly as the other two land.

Suteo charges the silhouette of Bosque. Hammers swinging and spraying the ranger each time scorching debris. Bosque dodges narrowly each time.

The ranger wipes his brow, interrupt by two glowing hammers.  Bosque rolls through a bush that is ablaze and runs.  Suteo is in pursuit. Worra can see glints released from the hyguier and demon stops then howls in pain.  Bosque disappears from view.

Suteo, looking confused, dashes in the opposite direction with a limp.  He only gets a few paces before something thrown in his way entangles and halts his movement.  The demon struggling with a net.

Bosque jumps from the darkness with fangs driven deep into Suteo. Molten blood spraying in the black, fangs with whirling teeth cutting deeper into ensnared monster.  The rangers hands and clothes covered in blood and burns.  Fangs cutting deeper to the point Bosque cannot push any farther.

In a burning rage Suteo reaches for Bosque and throws him into the inferno that is now the woods before Worra.  She can see the smoldering demon heading toward the ranger pinned in the burning branches. Bosque struggling to free himself.

Again Suteo laughs, "My turn to throw something at you!"

The demon wining back sending sparks and slag flying into the already burning canopy, releases his a hammer with a mighty throw.  The hammer explodes in millions of embers. Bosque, the branches and the trunk he was pinned against are gone.  Suteo calls back his hammer as if flies through the air.

The demon walks slowly toward the onceti.  Both hammers resting on his shoulders.  In full confidence Suteo says, "I am her to collect my prize! Ha ha!"

Worra bows down.  The demon places one of the large warhammers on the ground and she places her check on the burning facet of metal.

"I cannot wait to pull the coin from your shattered skull," the demon barks.

Calm, she has been prepared for this. Pass been the plains and a chance of rest.  She imagines Suteo raising his great hammer on high, crashing through her head, meeting the other hammer and ringing like an anvil on the otherside.

Worra feels a change in fate as unnatural bright glow sparks in the distance. She lifts her head in awe watching the dark glowing arc as the hammer strikes hammer. The two boomerangs, black and white pressed together with power ready to tear reality into pieces, strikes the demon in the chest.  She sees Bosque with eyes lit bright mix of light and dark boiling over in power. He many steps away making gestures similar to pushing something hard and deep into an other.

In her imagination, she witnesses the twin fangs driving deeper in Suteo. Hot blood gushing, blood spraying meters from the wound as the demon tries to pull the angled blades from his heart.  She now feels the sizzling blood on her back and sees it on the ground.  The light of fire is dim compared to the energy shining from behind her

Bosque is close now.  His voice silences the flames around him as he speaks, "It is time for our paths to diverge, demon."

She can hear energy stacking on itself, cracking and vibrating to a climax. Worra slowly stands up as energy bisects Suteo from head to groin.  Light and dark are released.  The demon ripped into two and falls smoldering in halves.  Molten hammers melt to flat shadows on the ash covered ground.

Worra and Bosque look at each other. Various burns on their flesh and clothing.  She sees hyguier much more worst for wear and thankful that he is not bleeding.

A flash takes their attention away from each other. A toll piece appears floating for a moment, the dropping between the halves of Suteo.  Bosque walks over and picks it up while admiring the shine from the burning forest.  

Bosque asks, "Am I of the Urraedi Arimavor?" 

He receives no answer.

Worra's attention now focused on the wall in which she kissed. Her skyskiff is now in its place in a large crevice between the cliff.  Released from the shadowy figures grap.  

Bosque is now next to her.  He says in astonishment, "It floats?"

"She flies," Worra replies.

They both board the skiff, heal then head toward the Nevers under what is left of the starlight.

Bosque is Level 4 1/2!  Almost rveryone is level five.

1 Toll piece


*Seedaeri, astralosion travelers that created life on many plains and bubbles of existence and reality.

**Tigon, a tiger-like predator cat with scales.

+Ulall's Tooth and Black Abbess, maybe proper names of magical boomerangs.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Session 5 - Aftermath - Gawyn Sintarion's Waking Dreams of Red Jasper and Archomet the Nightmare Dragon

The precious red stone ball is in Gawyn's hand as the ambient magic is flows through it and trickles into the wizard.

The eynuier identified the ball was made of red jasper.  A precious magical stone.  Gawyn wants to call the orb Merlin's Cherry in the honor of one of his favorite stories.  He feels the ball's annoyance with the name.  Surprised, Gawyn feels some strange power, psychic power, trapped within.  Curious he wants to release it.

"A dragon and a sorceress died tonight.  A sister of luck called in a lightning strike.  Clouds of darkness filled with blades turned fanatics into mist. Fire fell from the sky like shooting stars granting wishes of death and distruction," Gawyn sings under his breath.

Gawyn could not sleep nor did he need to.  He chose to take the watch as the party rested; they were split among the remaining buildings of Moondive. Loxly invited to stay at Mirna Dendrar's home. Austri and Noname at Sister Astramarie (formerly Garaele) invited to rest after moving the burnt corpses of Wolfenstein and Gundren. Hoping that the blessings and being properly prepared would get you were you wanted to go on the otherside.  

Gawyn did wonder if the wolf was worth the scroll of revivify or if anyone cares that Sildar is dead.  

The thought of scroll brought him to his song and all the magical energy spilled into the air tonight. The energy is palpable.  Gawyn pulls out the orbuculum, holds it while looking deep into orb then whispers into it.  Gawyn feels the orb talking though he cannot yet hear it.  Atuning is time consuming he thinks, he can barely feel that the orb agrees.

"It is a little early.  We will continue walking together you and I, orb."

Gawyn is in front of the dragon.  

Gawyn fiddles with a rhyme,  "Poisonous fumes emiting in the air.  Poisonous flesh laying there. Poisonous blood leaking down into the ground.  Trista turned this magnificent being into a clown."

Unsure if this singing and rhyming is him.  He asks the red ball.  It replies with a faint inability to discern and likes the funny words the young wizard is saying.  Gawyn feels the orb and himself intermingle in thought, time and space. Before Gawyn realizes it, the orb is about to touch the dragon's head while it is in his hand.

"Touch," the orb whisperers yet echos in Gawyn's mind.

Gawyn third eye is open. Something was waiting. The orb's curiosity might have been a mistake.  Both are seeing something different, something new.  

A beast of blood, blood lit with rage and terror. Light shining red from within.  

A beast of night, night dark with eternity and entropy.  Dark holding thick without.  

Both swirling, pulsing and racing in all directions. Both larger than the astralos yet they can fit within your mind.  Both consuming worlds of the older age and feeding your new soul with dispare.  In the ecstasy of timeless distruction the beasts have borne many children. 

The one you see is here below your feet.  Broken and segmented. It's is writhing in smoke, calamity and ephialtes.  It brings fear to your time of rest, peace and dormancy; that is only when it passes. 

It's scream makes both your heart and thoughts quiver and bleed.  The onceti with composure waring, can feel it will turn us all into piles of organs then tip the scales of reality.  Sending our collective pulp running, gushing and rippling off the edge of the earth into the stary abyss; maws wide open, the parents await.

Gawyn is back in front of the dragon.  

The orb about to touch the dragon again.  Gawyn pulls the red jasper ball away from the dragon as hard and fast as he can.

"Will not ride that mare again," out loud Gawyn says.

A voice different then his own speaks into his mind, "No simple mare that be, it is the king of mares thye did see."

Gawyn is in front of the Luck Shrine.

Astramarie pulls him into her home.  Gawyn floats into the single room house.  In a corner, Noname is sleeping in a well kept modest bed and further recovering from the green dragon's poison slash.  Austri in his bedroll tucked under a large table in the center of the room and a low fire burn in a fire place behind it.  
Gawyn admires the lanterns hanging from a beam that holds up the slate shingled roof; astral glint sparkling in the flame.

Astramarie gets Gawyn's attention and he sits were she has pulled out a chair.  They talk a number of hours in seconds.  Noname begins to cough and he becomes a geyser of green gas.  It ignites from the glowing lanterns, burning the rafters and beams.  Each lantern falling, bursting and burning on the table.  Austri stares into Gawyn as the roof falls burning, crushing and killing Austri.  Astramarie in wreathed in lightning takes Gawyn's heart and placing it in a copper censer.  She ignites the heart in the censer and shoves the smoky burning orichalcum vessel in his chest.  Looking for escape Gawyn see only Noname's jet of green coming to give him the gassy kiss of death.

Gawyn is in front of the Dragon.

"Damn thee, no more rhyming!"

Again the voice in his head, "Rhyming is fun, now I am done and now this time for some puns.  I wish could have archo-MET you in the past.  You are an ACRHO-met-TYPE I have seen before.  Now, it is time to know your new ARCHOMET-SIS. Archomet the nightmare dragon and the Archometlings!"

Gawyn is standing in void above and admiring the jewels of light scattered in all directions on black velvet curtains.  He spots with all his senses spots a starless toom, an inky piece brakes off from the whole and climb from the primal darkness below. An unspeakable distance covered in a breath. The vale of shadow and heat swallows Gawyn. He endures the pain of aphotic burning against his flesh. 

He focuses on his inner self beyond the natural impulse to run.  He feels the need to chew his leg off caught in the toothy trap of unlit terror.  He catches a glimpse of his teeth dripping with flesh.  He knows he can not out run this fright in the steel trap box residing in his head.  The immaterial is the forest this beast hunts. Between brooding, over scrutiny and under reasoning.  

Gawyn taps into his guarded emotions and finds a red diamond of kindness, protection and love. He grasps it, holds it then brings it into his heart.  Mygnola the Red pushes pink-white blinding radiance out and in, absorbing and exploding; shreading and over coming the hate and fear.   

Gawyn is cold. 

He is laying flat on the ground and starring into the fading black sky as the sun has started to turn back the night. Sun's light returns and so does his focus, he is then looking into the lifeless eye of Trista and the scorched arrow logded in her other.  Frost covers both bodies. The orbuculum is firm in Gawyn's grip and untouched by the morning chill.

Trista moves. Pulled away. 

Quickly before Gawyn can move his head, Trista is almost out of sight. He catches a single glowing yellow eye with dead mage in tow.  A message burning in his psyche sends his head whipping back. Simply it states, thank you. The burning flies away and gone the glowing eye from view.

Then comes a name, Mygnola, to his memory.  Gawyn tries to place the name to face or place and can not.  He is compeled to look at the orbuculum and recognizes the orbuculum was created by Mygnola, no deeds or memories come to mind beyond the name given.

Gawyn gets up.

His Interest in the object is further sparked with the waking dreams over during his watch.  The wizard walks to Mirna's home for breakfast and a quiet place for his wits to be safe.  Gawyn places Merlin's Cherry into a leather sack as he enters.  Welcomed by the surviving hyguier family and his friend, he longs for banality of life.  The pancakes are served and enjoys the presents of his first bite.

Mygnola's Red Jasper (Merlin's Cherry)
Damage stored:
48 Psychic Damage

Defeat Archomet and his Archometlings (Gawyn and those that have carried Mygnola's Red Jasper)
- Find layer of Archomet
- Survive random attacks from Metlings
- Reward: Access to Mygnola the Red as patron and patron's knowledge, wealth, item and weapons.

Archometling, Nightmare Dragon (5e Creature)
Large dragon, neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56), max 196
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR       DEX       CON      INT       WIS      CHA
18 (+4) 10 (+0)  18 (+4) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +8, Wis +4, Cha +5
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +8
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities psychic
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Amorphous. The dragon can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Multiattack. The dragon makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. It can make one tail attack in place of its two claw attacks.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) fire damage.

Frightful Scream (Recharge 5-6). The dragon lets out a bloodcurdling cry that pierces the mind of any who hear it. Each creature within 40 feet of the dragon must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 14 (4d6) psychic damage and is frightened. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't frightened. An affected creature may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, it cannot be frightened by this dragon's Frightful Scream for the next 24 hours.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Session 4 - Cragmaw Castle - Part 4 - Parley

Bosque could hear the arguments from the hallway leading to where the discussion had started. Through the door it sounded like Marco and Austri were doing most the arguing.  Once Worra and Bosque walked in they could clearly hear it wasn't arguments, they were slinging insults at each other.

Loxly was standing next to Lecham both looking embarrassed.  Lucky none of the other gybolts we're in the room, other wise this would have gotten violent.

"Quit it," Bosque pushs the two apart. Marco and Austri stop a moment. They look like they are going to start again till they notice Worra.

Austri and Marco say in unison, "Why is she here?!"

"She is here to help us," Bosque says diplomaticly. "Also, we cannot let anyone in the Moondiver Mine. It needs to stay lost."

Austri looking more upset, "You sided with goblins! You were hired to get Gundren to protect him!"

"We were hired to protect a cart and we were paid," Loxly smugly says, he walks closer to Austri. "Out of the graciousness in our hearts and coin promised to our pockets we have arrived to this juncture."

"It just so happens my kin found Gundren  alive, you should be delighted," added Lecham.

"I am yet. You are all supposed to be his friends," the dwarf pleas to all in the room.

"Ah ho-ho, I am no friend of the figora. I spare him only because Prince Lecham was spared," Marco leading over the table while standing on a chair. "No one can open that mine, it means more oppression to my people, more death."

Worra then speaks, "Hillrocker Family Combine. Your family's company, Austri, is in league with Rithal."

Austri defensively says, "My family only digs and we are small combine.  We are not the Montefellers or Rockbattens. We..."

"Gundren wants to be!" Worra ends Austri meek posturing, "He would not give Saroeun the location of the mine when dangling in front of the owlbear. Yet he would fill the room with threats of his coming power, your family's military and connection to Rithal."

Bosque loudly says, "Okay, okay. Let's get this business over. Worra has things to tell us all."

Worra runs a hand over her bald head and says something under her breath.  A large piece of parchment appears in the middle of the table. Ink begins to appear on the parchment as if invisible pens are drawing upon it. Amazed in silence, everyone sees a map of the area.

"Sildar has sent word of Trista Khador's capture and that she is a powerful conjurer to the Nevers^," Worra continues. "In response, the Crosian marchine garrison would send a large platoon of cuirassary* with probably two spellcasters to ensure her transport and imprisonment. Also, to reestablish the constabulary Trisha turned into the Burning Cloaks."

Bosque adds, "Worra and I will go to see how large this group is. If it is more than expected, Sildar's interest lay in occupying Moondive and start securing the area for exploitation of Echo Wave Cave."

Everyone takes in the map as Worra draws a dark green house just east of Moondive. Worra explains the mark, "My olseur**, Trad, has destroyed Gundren's map in route to eliminate the Rat King at a fortified farm house called Green Spinster. Trad will meet you in three days in Moondive. He will be an oceti dressed in a similar cloak as myself."

"He'll be dead and I doubted he'll destroy the map," Austri poking at Worra confidence. "We'll probably be strung up a tree with a smile carved from ear to ear!"

Worra gives a look to Austri that startles him and nearly sents him to the floor.  

She continues drawing and talking. "We all meet up in Moondive in three days then head out to the Moondiver Mine and ensure it says hidden."

Austri straightens himself and looks as proud and confident as he can muster, "If my family is to walk away from the mine, make it impenetrable and stay lost; what is our competition?"

"Hundred thousand gold. How does that sound, Austri?" The statement sounded of no consequences to Worra.

Austri jokingly says, "It will need to be platinum."

Quickly Worra accepts and explains how she will bring the official papers from Neverwane on Bosque and her return to Moondive. The map fades away.

"Well, my fair maiden, I'll need a platinum codpiece and shoes to match to dance away from this opportunity." Loxly jest and querying for a bribe.

"You get fifty thousand gold. Do not ask for more or it will turn into copper," Worra snips.

Embarrassed Loxly nods and does tempt his chances.

Worra gives attention to the gybolts, "Any request, Prince Lecham?"

Lecham and Marco whisper to each other. They ask Worra to step out of the room and close the door behind them.

Bosque puts his ear against the door and motions for everyone to quiet.  Everyone eyes drawn to him listening. After a few minutes, Bosque motions everyone to start talking. Loxly talks about Lincolnwood Forest^^ and his realm of Shergrengrave^^^.  Austri fanes interest so poorly Loxly and Bosque been to laughs making the room feel natural.

Bosque backs away from the door as the goblins walk in followed by the onceti.  The laughter dies down as Marco and Worra gives the hyguier disapproving looks.  

Prince Lecham is sad and addresses the three adventures, "I am going to leave you. As my parting gift you may have Wolfenstein.  He will serve you as faithfully as I had planned.  Marco and the remaining gybolts will meet with our kin and return home.  Our mission is complete."

Lecham hugs Bosque then Austri. When it is Loxly's turn, Lecham says, "You have given us boltian a chance to live, a chance to fight! I will leave gifts buried at the foot of Knotted Rock near Wyvern Tor^^^^ after 5 days from now.  It will not look like much, just trinkets and things of nature. Yet they are the greatest gifts a boltian could give his friends."

Marco takes Lecham by shoulder and kisses his prince on the forehead. Marco says one more insult to Austri then simply says to Bosque and Loxly, "Ah-haha, thank you for returning my prince, higoras! I hope to see you again."

At midmorning, Austri and Loxly are getting Gundren settled in the wagon.  The necromancer's tent helped keep the morning frost from hindering the rigging of the cart.  Biscuit, draught-orge, was ready to move. Austri and Loxly including Wolfenstein began their journey to Moondive.

Loxly was curious how Bosque and Worra will travel fast enough from the Nevers to Moondive in just three days.  Loxly figured she must have some sort of onceti surprise.

Quest to Wyvern Tor (party)
- Prince Lecham's gifts buried near the foot of Knotted Rock.
- Go to Echo Wave Cave and collapse entrance 

Collect 100K Platinum Pieces (Austri Only)
- Convince Gundren, Tharden, and Nundro to give up on the Moondiver Mine.
- Collapse the Moondiver Entrance.
- Worra to give instructions on getting rewards.

Collect 50K Gold Pieces (Loxly Only)
- Collapse the Moondiver Entrance.
- Worra to give instructions on getting rewards.

Entry into Urraedi Arimavor and location of mentors killer (Bosque Only)
- Collapse the Moondiver Entrance.
- Worra will give two toll piece (soul exchanged for gold) and instructions on getting reward.

Trad, Loxly, Bosque, Austri, Gundren, Worra, Marco, Lecham,Cuirassary, corrinque, Nevers, Wyvern Tor, Olseur, 

Cuirassary* soldiers that ware a breast and back plate armor. Many carry boomstocks with bayonets.  Normally supported with brigantry, platoons carry large shields and swords or spear/pikes.

Olseur** rank below Mailey and is a mailey in training. Normally from a different noble house or school of training.

Nevers^, nickname for Neverwane and Neverwax, fortified cities on opposite banks of the Waning River.

Lincolnwood Forest^^ 


Wyvern Tor^^^^

