Saturday, February 4, 2023

Boomstock - Firearm Range Weapon - Lever Action Cast Iron Rifle

There are few firearms outside the Cross Kingdom and the Cross Kingdom holds dominion over these weapons, makers, spell casters and alchemy with great fury.

Boomstocks are made of cast iron and wood made of two major parts: barrelaction and breachcasing. The barrelaction is comprised of rifled barrel, iron sights, stock, breachlock action and spellhammer; imbued with 40 strikes.  The breach is separate from the barrelaction and called a breachcasing. The breachcasing is cast iron with an area bored out to load black powder, bullet, and wax seal to keep everything in place and protected.  Each breachcasing is imbued with eight spellprimers to ignite the powder; one used per firing. The breachcasing is ejected when the boomstock's lever is actioned down.  To load a breachcasing, pull the level up. If correctly loaded, you will hear the spellhammer lock away from the breachcasing and see both the spellprimer and spellhammer glow soft red.  Pulling the trigger, makes the spellhammer fall and striking the spellprimer that ignites the power propelling the bullet.  Both sections of the boomstock need to reimbued by a sanctioned artificer.  

Boomstocks are normally equiped with removable pike blades, making the boomstock even deadlier when loaded.

Most that carry boomstocks are experts in function and fighting with these specialized weapons.  Normally experts can fire two chasings is succession at range or in melee use the boomstock as a pike then fire once.  Also, experts carry an extra spellhammer and a bandolier of eight breachcasings ready to be fired.

Lastly, expect an armored mastiff to help carry powder kegs, various bullets, grease, and field supplies.

Boomstock...5000 gp...1d20...15 lb Special Ammunition* (range 150/300), loading, two-handed, Reach, Versatile (1d10)

Special Ammunition*
Breachcasting...100 gp...5 lb
Black Powder Keg...250 gp...20 lb
Bullet, Lead (10)...30 gp...10 lb
Bullet, Silver (10)...130 gp...10 lb
Sealing Wax...5 sp...1/4 lb
Spellprimer... must see sanctioned artificer
Spellhammer...must see sanctioned artificer

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