Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Hannibal Enlade - Drow Eldritch Knight - Notes

Nealy half of Waethe Hlammachar has collapsed into a giant volcano named Hethmoller.  Council of Six Mothers, the city leadership, is taking slaves to sacrifice in order to stop Hellmother from devouring the city.  At the moment, Hellmother is satisfied.

Namahisa Enlade and Jalynfein arranged encounter for Thebba Pouvoire Heir Plot.

Namahisa plagued by dreams from Lolth; Lolth trying to take Namashisa and baby resulting in behavior that looks like Namahisa is trying to leave Castle Pouvoire.

Thebba visited by Council of Six Mothers, ordered to provide a great number of slaves for the next sacrifice.

Namahisa held captive by Thebba.  Namahisa dreams of snow and moon, things she does not know the name of.  Dreams sent from Eilistraee to counter the nightmares of Lolth.

Draena Lunadale and others disguised as slaves and slavers enter Caste Pouvoire.  Thebba sents Draena to Namashisa to be Namashisa's slave.  They become friends.

A section of Waethe Hlammachar collapses along with one of the Six Mothers and her forces, sents the Council Six of Mothers into frenzy. Council soldier are ordered to take all slaves from lower houses and any that resist this order.  House Pouvoire is marked as one.

Thebba is warned and sends messagess to other small and allied Houses.  Thebba prepared for to revolt begins burning parts of Waethe Hlammachar.  Council Guards fill the streets of the Pouvoire district and begin taking people of House Pouvoire.  A major force heads to Castle Pouvoire ready to siege.

Draena sensing the impending battle summons her sword, Darksong.  Draena and Namashisa work their way through the dungeon of Castle Pouvoire.  Draena is told by another dark maiden, some slave are bound by magic and to be weary.

Council Guards notice no response or resistance from Castle Pouvoire.  They break into the castle and find it empty except for slaves.  They begin carting of slaves and the people of the Pouvoire district.

Thebba and a band of elite warriors infiltrate one of the Council of Six Mothers castles and kill her. They take her head and summon signal beam to indicate success.  Thebba counts three other beams leaving only one of the Six Mothers alive, Madona Wallis Hune.

At Castle Pouvoire, council guards began loading carts of slaves.  One guard noticed, there were many cells left empty in haste. They quickly suspended that slaves were escaping under their noses.  As units poured in the depth of the castle, the units left behind were ambushed by Draena and her Dark Maidens.  They don the armor of the slain guards and begin to free more slaves from unsuspecting guards.  Some slaves seem posed to stay then leave, some much more vocal to stay in bondage.

More of Waethe Hlammachar begins to fall into the widening mouth of Hellmother and the Helldaughters begin to vomit lava and bellow ash laden smoke.

Thebba and a the remaining raiders fall upon the House Hune at the rock column fortress Merenpher.  Each side near exhaustion, the final battle is fought between Thebba and Wallis.  Thebba puts up a great fight yet magic wins the day.  Thebba is casted from high from the fortress at the heart of Waethe Hlammachar.

Draena, Namahisa and many hundreds slaves move from the sinking city.  Namahisa and other Dark Maidens open a portal to surface of Faerun.  Some slaves begin to manifest weapons that emit darkness.

A broken Thebba and reanimated rebel raiders rises from red portals around the escaping slaves.  Draena tells Namashisa to hide till see finds a moment to run for the portal.  Draena and the remaining Dark Maiden lung forward into the melee.

The battle calms near Namashisa, she runs.  Near the portal entrance Thebba appears in front of her. 

"Even dead, I will come for my daughter in you womb," said Thebba as red ichor pours from her broken mouth. 

Namahisa taps into the power of her unborn child.  Her wild magic builds within, pours through her eyes as living lightning.

Namahisa with a voice that echoes into infinity said, "You nor Lolth will get a daughter, from spite I will receive a son."

The last sight of the ill intented among those that wish to breathe free air was Namahisa floating above the fray and the streams of lighting bolts flowing from around her.

The survivors pushed through drow shaped ash clouds as they ran toward the portal.  Draena picked up Namashisa as the last of Waethe Hlammachar fell into the gapping maw of Hellmother.  Lava rushed from a vengeful Helldaughter toward the portal. A great mound of molten rock lays smoldering on the green grass of Silverymoon.  The Dark Maidens notice Draena and Namashisa are not among their numbers.

Short Background
Hannibal Enlade was born to Namashisa Enlade and Jalynfein (absent) in the forgotten city of Waethe Hlammachar.  This city was a hub of trade in life sustaining mushrooms that feed much of the drow kingdom.  Warmth from the volcanic activity of Mount Hellmother and the volcanic foothills know as the Hethdaughers fuels the growth of the mushroom along with moisture cooling from the Northdark Sea.  Waethe Hlammachar is know for regular earthquakes yet if felt frequently enough the drow of this area believe it is Lolth vengeance needing to quenched with sacrifice of slaves and undesirable drow.

Hannibal is a male drow fighter.  His skin is a deep midnight blue which contrasts with his stark white mustache and hair.

Hannibal, before he was born, was promised to be a female drow powerful wizard named Channah.  Channah would have been adopted by the Duchess of House Pouvoire, Thebba.  Thebba, a skilled Battle Master, was unable to produce offspring and needed a heir. Always coveting the power of spellcasters, she wished her daughter to be the most powerful spellcaster in the Underdark.

Unfortunately, the Goddess of Spiders and Drow--Lolth--wanted the unborn Channah and to torcher Namashisa.  Lolth ever pulling on Namashisa's mind and body, the expecting mother would be found in suspicious places within and without the Castle Pouvoire.  The stranger behavior of Namashisa triggered Thebba's possessiveness and paranoia.  Soon Namashisa was jailed in the inter dungeons of Castle Pouvoire.

Namahisa now imprisoned experience worst nightmare and used superior dream potions to easy the grasp of Lolth.  In the potion fulled Dreams, she dreamt of a land she had no words for.  She dreamt of a land of snow and a great full moon.  In the silence of this land, each step was loud yet carried a pleasant ring.  She danced freely in the invigorating cold making music with her movements till awoken by reality.  

In her time awake, she found more pleasure in silvery droplets of water that would ring striking stone or pooling puddles.  In the increasingly common earthquake of Waethe Hlammachar, droplets would rain from the ceiling causing Namashisa to see a silhouette of a feminine dancer.  The silvery dancer moved within the pouring water and accompanied by the ring of falling droplets.

Thebba sensing Namashisa restlessness and fearing losing her promised daughter gave Namashisa a slave to keep her company.  The slave named Draena Lunadale, a silver haired drow Eilistraee Priestess, was fulfilling her vows to help drow return to the surface and promote prosperity in the Underdark. Draena knowing the dreadful conditions of Waethe Hlammachar's fungi farms wished to help free and spare those in hardship.  She was helped by sympathetic drow guising themselves as slaves and slavers for House Pouvoire. 

Long Back Ground
Hannibal Enlade was born in the drow city of Waethe Hlammachar under the roof of House Pouvoire.  Namahisa Enlade, his mother, was a middling sorceress with a unique power. She was able to influence the gender and enhance or limit traits of unborn children.  Namahisa's guild had assigned her to House Pouvoire to help cultivate strong influential women to enter various power centers in Waethe Hlammachar.  Along side that goal was to create beautifully elegant men to wed to or be consorts for matriarches in other drow city states.

In time, Namashisa became part of a major gambit to bring direct power and greater prestige to the Pouvoire. Duchess Anethebba 'Thebba' Pouvoire, matriarch of House Pouvoire, cunningly convinced Jalynfein, one of the most powerful drow wizards in the underdark to bed a Namahisa.  Thebba's goal is to create powerful sorceress she could adopt as her own then groom and train to further her ambition and influence among the great houses of Waethe Hlammachar and the greater realm.

A part of Thebba was bitter that she could never bear a daughter.  The physical wounds she suffered in her early years of defending House Pouvoire cut that piece from Thebba's life.  She filled the mental wounds with plots and posturing till she gained the title of Matriarch and became the ruler of House Pouvoire.  Yet other matriarches look down on her from not bearing her own heir.

In the weeks after, Namahisa was plagued with dreams of Lolth trying to persuade her make a pilgrimage to a secret portal allowing entry to Demonweb Pits, the domain of Lolth the Spider Queen. Lolth promising favor and place in her court within her great walking iron fortress.  The dreams soon, turned to nightmare of Lolth teleporting Namahisa to Demonweb Pits and tearing the baby from her womb them casting her from the ramparts into putrid webs to be eaten by giant spiders.  The nightmare grew worst and began to blend into the hours Namahisa was wake.  During her time overseeing her maturity ward of pregnant mothers, she would recoil as mother's burst into thousands of spiders, great and small.  Lucky after a short moment of terror, the world would reset and a confused black-blue drow mother-to-be would be staring at Namashisa. The next day, she was cataloging the potions in her ward's storage then found herself on the ground just of side the castle home of House Pouvoire with white ichor and crushed spiders in her midnight blue hands.  

Thebba believing Namashisa was trying to escape had her brought to House Pouvoire's Great Hall.  The hall was empty of people except for Thebba, a short slender middle-age light blue drow woman. She lays across her thrown looking bored.  The doors close as two guards pull the entry way tightly shut behind Namashisa.  Namahisa never understood how such a pale drow could be the face of House Pouvoire.  

Thebba perks up hearing the creaks and knocks as the great door is bolted. She jumps to her feet landing crouching down poised to jump from her thrown. She plays no games and quickly asks, "Na-ma-shi-sa, has Lolth taken favor or wrath with you?"

Still walking toward Thebba's dias, showing mother replies. "Both, Duchess."

Thebba jumbs from the seat of the throne, land gracefully in stride and curls up to Namahisa. Thebba exudes a expression of excitement and ecstacy as she caresses the pregnant woman's belly.

Thebba bewitched says, "This one has the eye of our holy mother of spiders.  She is Channah.  She is a favor from Lolth! She is powerful! She is everything"

Thebba then turns her full attention to Namashisa's eyes. She drapes her arm around Namashisa's neck pulling her down to her level.

"Na-ma-shi-sa, you we will kept safe," Quickly Thebba says, "The best potions platinum can buy will be at your side to help you quit those dreams and nightmares." 

Suddenly, Thebba yells for the guards to take Namashisa to new quarters with in the deepest part of House Pouvoire's dungeons.  The Namishina's dungeon cell was out of place compared to the empty bare damp cold slave cells surrounding it.  The cell was charming to drow standards and warm.  Namahisa preferred her quarters and found this cell adequate.  She found the promised amazing large stash of green vicious superior dream potions.  Namahisa poured two, one immediately after another, down her throat. The world flys up to her from the ground and darkness takes her consciousness.

From the blankness, she dreamed of dancing in a field of white, a cold touched her skin and a great luminous pitted ball that hung in a infinity black dome with thousands of shining diamonds spread along the surface facing her.  White cold sand held her foot steps as she frolicked and she traced her steps in a game to disturb the pristine field of soft rolling mounds.  Her steps made a pleasant crushing sound and the faster she danced her steps began to sound like soothing rings of bells.  When she awoke, she began to fine relief in the sound of dripping water. The drips would ring like bells in the stone corridors of the prison and at times she could almost make our a song.  

In the weeks to come a deep depression found Namashisa, she could see the drops drip outside spiked wrought iron bars of her cell.  The drops looked silvery through her dark vision.  She found the most comfort when the drops fell in such a fury it seems to make an outline of a vaguely feminine silhouette dancing in the corridor.  It helped her believe she would pass through this horrid place like the drips though cracks in the rocks.

Namashina sitting on her bed is trying to remember if she had dream or nightmare.  She knows nothing has changed for weeks until a drow is pushed into her plush prison cell. 

A guard barked, "Another of Thebba's gifts, a slave." 

Namahisa noticed her hair was long and silvery, not the normal white of all drow.  Namahisa resisted making eye or physical contact with this woman, thinking the silver haired drow to be mentally feeble and a type of joke from Thebba.  The silver haired drow quickly picked herself up, straightened her hair and quickly walked toward Namashisa and sat down on her bed.

"I'm Draena Lunadale of Silverymoon," the silver haired drow bubbley said.

Namahisa tried to ignore her by focusing the memories of pleasant dreams in the rolling white land and orb of soft silver light.  Yet Draena's introduction feed her need of to be recognized as other than a treasure that needs to locked away for safe keeping. Without lying to herself, Namashisa knows she a prisoner and pawn of Thebba, and a thing to torcher and torment for Lolth.

Namashisa tried to speak, her intent was to yell and beat this disrespectful slave into submission. Images flashed of in Namashisa's mind ofkicking her, bloodying her, break her spirit and body as Thebba and Lolth made Namashisa fell right now.  All of that was to difficult, to much energy. Overwhelming sadness took Namashisa, she began to cry.

Draena moved to the crying pregnant sorceress's bed.  She stroked Namashisa's hair saying, "I am here for you."


Near midterm from Hannibal's birth, Namahisa and Draena became friends.   

Midterm from Hannibal's birth, Namashisa is awaken from a deep sleep by Draena. Draena eye's were silver and faintly glowed as she jumped on top of the awakening drow. Hannibal's mother was pinned and mouth covered as an eerie musical voice came from Draena.

"We are running out of time. You carry Jalynfein's son in your womb."

Dreena moves her face within a inch of Hannibal's mother face and the sound of a single piercing bell rings in the air.  The world around them is darkening.  Only Draena's eyes bring light.  Draena's words feel as if forming in frozen drow's minds.

"Used the power child's abundant magical energy and think of the cold white field of your dreams. Imagine us being there."

A flash of white then a void of black wash over the two.

The last week one nightmares were drove Namashisa to the brink of sanity and death.  She was found near the 

Namahisa believed her fear of Thebba kept her from the clutches of the godness she had only known from stories.

Namahisa never spoke of Hannibal's father. Hannibal was lead to believe his father was just another Drow slave that Namahisa called to her bed. In truth, Hannibal's father was , Archmage of Menzoberranzan.

House Enlade was one of the twelve house that ruled Waethe Hlammachar.

Anethebba 'Thebba' Anokora Pouvoire, Matriarch of House Pouvoire
 - Drow, Fighter, Battle Master, Lvl 10
 - 456 years
 - light blue or Glaucous skin
 - White hair, long cut mullet
 - short and slender
 - middle-age short white hair
 - vivid blue noble wear, the color of House Pouvoire

Namahisa Ematana Enlade, Sorceress of Sanguine Guild, Mid-wife (Accoucheuse) Superior to House Pouvoire
 - Drow, Sorcerer, Divine Soul, Lvl 7
 - 333 years
 - Midnight blue skin
 - White hair, kept in high bun
 - Red noble wear of the Sanguine Guild, vivid blue trim on cuffs and collars to denote the House Pouvoire.

Draena Lunadale, Priestess of Eilistraee
 - Drow, Fight, Eldritch Knight, Lvl 10
 - 447 years
 - Cobalt Blue skin
 - Silver hair, shaggy long wavy
 - Vivid blue simple bodice with black sleeves and silhouette, white trim (with vivid blue line) on cuffs and collars to denote as slave to the House Pouvoire 

Average lifespan 750
Years old 323
Current year 1489
Birth year 1166

Born in the independent drow city of Waethe Hlammachar in the Middledark of the Underdark.

From the surface through the Upperdark to gain entry. There are 13 famous ways down and 13 secret.

Vreadna, Drow Sorcerer, Lady's Lament circa 1310
Drizzt Do'Urden, Drow Ranger, Born 1297
Drizzt's favorite weapon was the scimitar, and he carried two, nicknamed Twinkle and Icingdeath. He had a pair of Bracers of the Blinding Strike.

Sisters of the Blood Moon, S'feria Ranul cia 1310

Eilistraee - Goddess of song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting, and moonlight. Church or Temple of the Dark Maiden.  Allied with Mystra (goodness of magic) , Selune (goodness of the moon), and the Seldarine (Good and Neutral gods of Elvin pantheon)

In the month of Tarsakh in the 1369 DR, a merchant calling himself Boswell Peddywinkle recruited adventurers in Luskan for an expedition to Targos and performance of tasks there; the journey took 21 days. They stayed at the Wolf's Pelt Inn. They soon set off again, but would learn their employer had ulterior motives. 

Abandoned the worship of Lolth and fled to surface.

Luskar, City of Sails
15,000 in 1360
16,000 in 1370 Large City
14,173 in 1372
1385 to 1395 Spellplague
4,000 in 1480 Large Town

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