Thursday, December 29, 2022

Session 4 - Cragmaw Castle - Part 3 - Urraedi Arimavor

Worra releases Bosque's wrist.  They look into each other's eyes seeing anger fade and reason return. In a somber moment, Bosque returns the three coins to Worra.

Worra asks, "How did you get that coin?"

"I will not tell you," Bosque said. He places the coin back into his pouch on his leather necklace.

"You must, Bosque. There are a powerful few that seek these coins and a great deal of dangerous beings that have them. If you possess one of the coins, you have entered into a deadly game of last one standing."

"Then tell me how you got yours if these are so dangerous. Why would you hold on to them?"

Worra hesitates, thinking. She holds her three coins in her hand, places them in the pouch and ties her belt on.

"Urraedi Arimavor*, translate to a soul for gold," said Worra quietly, "To say those ancient words tempts faint to bring them to your door."

Confused Bosque says the words back, "Urraedi Arimavor?" At this time Bosque notices that Loxly, Austri, Lecham and Wolfenstein are gone. 

Worra gives Bosque a stern look that makes him yield and understand the serious nature of uttering the murderous group's name.

"If you must mention them at all, call them coin-seekers or coin-followers.  Coin-followers scrye for their name said out loud. Coin-seekers scrye for these coins as they scream into the astralos^ when they appear."

"I don't believe you."  Bosque says wanting to no longer listen. "I have killed dozens of creatures and people since I have carried this coin. With how you are talking about it, the boogyman should be here by now. Already killed me."

"I'll tell you where I found them then," Worra finally reveals. "One coin found was where Gundren was ambushed in the mouth of a green goblin. One coin outside the cave of King Klag in the mouth of a red goblin. The last coin in King Klag's mouth with his face pulled off."  Worra then says, "I figured a great killer, a monster, was on our trail seeking the Rat King or the Moondiver Mine."

"I did not carve King Klag's face, that was Loxly."

Worra continues, "The face doesn't matter! Who delivers the kill, gets the coin. The soul taken in trade, the deposit left in the dead's mouth. Given to you instead of Death as the soul is stolen from the astralos.  You have left a trail for them to follow."

"No, no, no," Bosque says as he places his hand on the latch of the door. He then turns back, "This is some ploy.  You know too much about this. A person who is afraid of these men behind the coins would have left them where they lay.  Your aim is something else?  This is an opportunity for you, no?"

Worra releases some tension in her body. Bosque notices she seems more relax and maybe out of this Worra will tell him a little more than half truths. She adjusts her cloak. Yellow trim brighten to the color of gold and the blue shines for a moment then deepens into the color of night.

"I need killers, Bosque.  Even to generate coins, you needed to have killed someone carrying one that wanted you dead. No small feat."

"I am no killer," Bosque says, more to himself then to her. "I'm just a man, looking for work.  And this coin, I stole it from a deadman."

"Who are you try to make believe you? Me? No." Worra moves closer to Bosque, her hand on the latch Bosque is holding. "You're on a quest, a quest for vengeance. Probably because of the man you said you took that from. And I'll tell you, only killers can walk that path and be successful."

Bosque looks away. He can feel her gaze going right through him. Worra keeps speaking.

"In truth, I need killers to keep the Lost Mine of Moondiver lost.  You and your friends, they can help. I know enough gold or platinum will make you all forget this mine exists. The eynuier, I might be able to buyoff, if not you will need to find a way to keep them silent. I know they are close with Floed Rithal and the Carracque** of the Cross Kingdom cannot have the mine.  The eynuier cannot profit because Rithal will profit. Rithal is a monster, breeding a court of monsters. All petty and prideful. All ruling in the name of greed and gluttony.  They would rather murder their own people then feed them. That is why Rithal ignited the Long War. His coffers need war, his sychophants need war, all the profiteers need war.  The mine will let Rithal finally clench the Blood Coast, flood it will material and weapons, turning everything south of here into battlefields and unmarked graves of undesirables like indeguier^^, bloodfolk^^^, trauti^^^^, and onceti.  Till finally, the Green Isle is taken and he breaks the Onci Treaty***. After he devoures the Oncet he will move his boomstocks, firejacques, farroquins, all his terratine and nautrine**** to the next continent."

Bosque looks into Worra's eyes, "I have goals and you have goals. Turth. What does it matter?"

Worra opens the door, "If that is not enough, does it matters if you find your mentor's killer?"

"You cannot know that."

"Austri was right, I'm a vendishona," she smiles dryly as her arm blocks the door. "I know many things. I am many things. I am whatever needs to be done and what needs to be done now is for you to follow me.  Your friends are about to have a meeting you need to attend."


Urraedi Arimavor, Carracque, Carraque Floed Rithal, Onci Treaty of 333, Bloodties Treaty of 371, Carraque Goldbrau Alexidrina Hanotter, Crosian-Oncet Beachlands, Straight of Oncet, 
boomstocks, firejacques, ferroquin, terratine, nautrine, farronaut, Astralos, Trauti, Bloodfolk, Blood Coast, Calendar - Eye of Praise

*Urraedi Arimavor, urrea (gold, basque), dirua (money, basque) arima (soul, basque), voor (for, dutch), an elusive and mysterious group of assassins from the Masoka continent, mas (snake, samali), inyoka (snake, zulu).

**Carracque(named derived from Carrack sailing ship from 18th century), Emperor, King, Czar.

***Onci Treaty Armistice treaty signed in the year 333 by Carraque Goldbrau Alexidrina Hanotter (Queen Victoria Alexanderia Victoria Hanover) say troops or ships from the Cross Kingdom cannot enter the waters within 1000 leagues of an Onceti Island. Onceti and Crosian ships, citizens or troops are not allowed within the Straight of Oncet or occupy within 100 miles of the Crosian-Oncet Beachlands. Dwarves-Eynuier are allowed to transport and occupy within unoccupied lands and seas if both Oncight Council and Carraque of Cross have given permissions. A similar treaty was made with the Boltian, called the Bloodties Treaty of 371. Broken by Floed Rithal (Adolf Hitler) in 407.

****boomstocks, firejacques, ferroquin, all his terratine and nautrine (crude breach-load cartridge rifle), (direct fire artillery), (iron golem-like armor that can carry various firejacques and close combat weapons, controlled by a noble-warrior called ferronaut), (land forces, army, 100K combatants), (sea forces, navy, 1000s of ships with 1000 sailors per ship, galleys/triremes as favored ship).

^Astralos, a combination of outer space, the plains that spirit reside, and the multiverse.
Indeguier^^, Onceti for Boltian (gybolts, dibolts and orbolts).
Bloodfolk^^^, Humans of the Blood Coast, many settlements and city-states prosper from self rule and trade with Boltian, Onceti, and Trauti.
Trauti^^^^, a species of anthropoid with bifurcated horns emerging from their foreheads or temples. Variety of skin colors including Human tones and every color in nature.  Some have deer-like facial features. Know for abilities in magic, trickery and moving large amounts goods over land and sea.  Tribal, mysterious, nomadic, generally good in business to a point some think of them as thieves and running confidence schemes.  

+Fursa, Furca, the yoke, Y cross. Located in the southern March of Coarsica.

++Current year/season/month/day is 410 Halfall Hexadane Balsday

Calendar of Eye of Praise

Seasons - Forwinter Winter Halwinter Halspring Spring Forsummer Summer Forautumn Autumn Halfall

Months - Henalish Dilish Trilish Unlish Tetradane Hexadane Septadane Leviathane Octover Novemver Decemver

Days - Monday Tuesday Wednesday Loknesday Thursday Friday Balsday Valsday Sunday

36 Days/Month, 11 Month/Season(Earth year), 10 Seasons/Year(Earth Decade).

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Mygnola's Scarlet Jasper - Crystal Ball, Orbuculum - Magical Item - Phenomenally Rare

Mygnola's Scarlet Jasper 
(Crystal Ball, Orbuculum, 4lbs)

This crystal ball, a phenomenally rare item, is about 6 inches in diameter. While touching it, you can cast the scrying and infinity absorption spell  (save DC 17) with it.

Infinity Absorbion
10th-level abjuration

Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you take magical damage of the following Acid, Bludgeoning, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Piercing, Poison, Psychic, Radiant, Slashing, and Thunder.
Range: Self
Components: S
Duration: 1 round

The crystal ball absorbs the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it within the orbuculum. 

You have resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. 

Also, the orbuculum absorbs and stores up to your level multipled by d8 damage from a magical attack that has hit you.  Keep track of damage stored by type. 

Lastly, you can release the magical damage stored.  Select a creature within 120 feet from you and nominate up to your level multipled by d8 of your choice of stored damage type within the orbuculum unless depleting all remaining stored damage type. Make a DC 17 Wisdom Save, you have advantage if you are a spell caster. On a success, that creature and all creatures within a 20 feet radius around it takes the damage result cumulatively, starting with the targeted creature. You will take the same amount of damage with resistance to that damage type (orbuculum cannot absorb this damage). On a fail, you and your target and all creatures within a 20 feet radius of each will take all of the damage stored equaly and cumulatively starting with you and targeted creature with all damage types stored within the orbuculum with no resistances or immunities allowed, even if you are normal granted them (orbuculum cannot absorb this damage).

Monday, December 26, 2022

Session 4 - Cragmaw Castle - Part 2 - Glick

Marco and the other surviving gybolts were cooking on a open pit.  Marco was an excellent cook and had prepared large elongated limbless beast for the grill.

Raeshard, Marco's gy-eil-rams*, poked fun at Marco saying, "Look at the lagaer**. He thinks he is Cochiso!"

Marco's Muraduera***, they decided only a couple of mugs of figora^ bradies ago, burst into laughter.

"Haw-ha, if Cochiso was better at butchering he would not have been skewered by ." Marco finishes his boast and continue with a toast, "To Cochiso, a better cook would not have turned himself into a fillet! Cochiso, wish you were here to cook this filthy thing!"


The cheer died down for a bit as Marco continue to cook the fatty juicy thing. Around the mouth, the tentacles were starting to crisp and beak was showing some char. The fat sizzled with salt and other seasonings Marco or his group found.  Marco could not bring to mind the specific name of the beast they are cooking. He knew by the grain and color of the meat, the amount of fat between muscle and skin, and the smell after butching how and what to use to bring the best flavors forward and send other unsavory flavors to the back.  

If the world was kinder to his kin and kind, Marco would work in a kitchen. His dream was not far from most boltain^^ wanting no more than to enjoy life with drink, food and friends.  Though he would make a great lagaer in the greatest kitchen, Marco's greatest gift is to stay present with the task at hand.  If his blade requires him to make death or food. If his hand requires him to steal or welcome.  If his mind requires him to be serious or jovial.  

Marco was ever present to the way his people were treated.  Their lives were nothing north of the Blood Straight.  The Cross Kingdom and others with power look at them as labour, murders and criminals. Boltian are expendable and replaceable.  Things to be put to death. 

On the Green Isle, he could not say things were perfect yet a gybolt like himself could a happy and content life. From the king to the common, each understood their roll and the fluidity that life is and holds us too.  Each city-state supporting themselves and the prosperity of the continent. The Litany of Monwelt Hasaw**** comes to mind.

Marco remembers how his family was proud to send him off when he was young to defend the Blood Coast Settlements, northwest of Green Isle across the Blood Straight. He needed to live 2 years then entry into the legear apprenticeship was guaranteed.  An easy tour for most in the last forty years.  Of course he would be there to when the Cross Kingdom broke the peace, trying to rekindled the Long War.

"Jolae! Wake up figora, you are not dead! You live and we gybolts save you!" Raeshard says jocularly, "Strange as that maybe for you! It strange for me too! Ha ha!"

Marco looks up as the dwarf with broken jaw tries to say to the gybolt, "It is strange for me to feel so much pain that I cannot smash your pointy nose into your own butthole!"

"Jolae! I love this figora! So much passion for violence! Hard to understand, yet I understand he likes butthole!"

The group laughs, yelling, "Butthole!"

Marco chuckles to himself as he starts up batter for the cornmeal pancakes. While cracking eggs and measuring dry ingredients. He watches a gybolt wraps his long fingers roughly around the dwarf's head then kisses the brow of the dwarf and let's go wildly let's go. Marco sees the sharp pain that causes the dwarf. Marco focus on the meal and knows the figora is tough and a gybolt's kiss is nothing to what broke then dwarfs jaw.

Again, the group laughs. The dwarf tied to chair winces as he straightens himself. The dwarf knows it's more to keep him upright to drink and eat with them then to keep him as a captive. They keep forcing more drink in his cup and in his mouth since he was found in the same room as the thing they are cooking.  He admits to himself that the suprise hospitality of these gybolts is much better then what was intended for him this evening.

Gundren, from far from the others hears a gybolt say, "Look a figora, ah...dwarf. You dwarfs all no each other, no?"

The dwarf then hears the sound of nails clapping against stone coming toward him. Quickly surprised by the feeling and sound wet licks directly in his ear.  After thinking he was about to experience the pleasure of being eaten alive again tonight, all he heards is stead panting.

"Gundren?" A voice said over the gybolts celebrating. It was deep as a stone well. In Gundren's mind, he figured he was projecting the voice to sooth himself.

"It's Gundren!?" Another voice said sounding of a sunlit forest breeze. 

Gundren slowly turnes his head sideways managing to see only light and dark blurs, finally making out four different height figures near him.  He could not recognize the new voices at first. His vision was blurry before drinking and his people's brandy was making it far worse. Yet the dulling of his senses was well worth the dulling pain from the beatings, torture and gybolt cheers.

The familiarity layed in the tip of his tongue.  He sees a lantern swing in his face then the light steadies as it is set on the table.  Blinded, he feels fingers on his face as he is hugged around his head and held against a chest dressed in well-made fabric.  The hug feels of home and family, the fingers on his face brought him to is youth.  Specialty of a cousin that found it hilarious to wake his family's guest with prolonged finger pokes to the cheek then running slowly away once the guest was roused awake.

"Gundren, it's Austri. Austri Frosti, your cousin."

Gundren then feels a flash of happiness, embarrassmemt and acute consciousness.  He wipes the dry blood and wet drool from is lips. His best attempt of being presentable and regaining a feeling of status above his cousin as the smart leader and business magnate of their family's company.

Gundren breathing in deep, pushing Austri away and holding up his fist at right angle to his shoulder in Hillrocker salute says, "As expenditionary leader of the Hillrocker Family Combine, get me to Echo Wave Cave!"

Gundren then sees black. Austri and Loxly see their friend and employer in need of proper rest and healing. Prince Lecham and gybolts see the hilarity of the figora's head suddenly hitting the aged hardwood table with a echoing crack. Gundren'n head spilling drink, now pouring on to the stone below, and sending fritters to the floor. Wolfenstein uninterested before, sees a meal within her reach. The wolf gobbles and laps up the mess before any other creature can enjoy it.

Marco baring witness, enjoys the antics of his friends and allies. Finished with the meal and preparing wooden plates he asks, "Aw haw-haw! Now that our entertainment is complete. Grab a plate and food to eat! After discussion about our joint future, yah?"

The last part directed at Loxly, Austri, and Lecham.  Austri replies, "Oh dear, this Glick looks delectable, well seared and medium rare! A real treat. Our conversation may favor you Marco if can get the piece that contains the beak and tentacles."

Marco, finally recalls the name of the beast, "Aw haw-haw, I knew it, glick!  Staple or delicacy for your people?"

Face down on the table, Gundren yells, "Stop talking about the glick that way. It was going to eat me!"

--------- Results ----------
Gundren Rockseeker
- Knows the way to Echo Wave Cave.
- Tells you Worra helped kept him alive, King Saroeun wants to kill him almost immediately.
- The owlbear broke his jaw while nearly choking the beast to death with his chains.  He was found underneath the unconscious owlbear.  In anger, King Saroeun had him feed to the glick four days ago against Worra wishes.
- Does not know where his map is. Suggests Worra or King Saroeun has it.

Gundren Rockseeker 
Race: Hill Dwarf
Gender: Male
Height: 4ft 7′
Age:   113  
Class: Bard (Guild Merchant)


AC 11, Hp 32, Proficiency +2, Speed 25ft

Alignment: Neutral  

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Gnomish,

Ability Scores:
Str 16 (+3) Dex 10 (+0) Con 15 (+2) 
Int 12 (+1) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 15 (+2)

Multiple Attacks: Handaxe (+5 to hit, 1d6+3   slashing damage)

Spellcasting: 1st level Bard, spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12, to hit with spell attacks +4)

Cantrips (at will):  Mending, Prestidigitation,

1st level (2 slots):   Comprehend Languages, Cure Wounds, Detect Magic,  Sleep

Skills: Athletics, Deception, History, Insight, Persuasion,

Equipment: Handaxe, A diplomats pack, Jeweler's Loupe, Leather armour under baggy clothes, Letter of introduction from his guild, 12gp, 20sp, 9cp,

Racial Traits:   Darkvision (60ft / 18m / 12sqr), Dwarven Resilience,   Dwarven Resilience, Stonecunning

Class Features: Spellcasting, Bardic inspiration (d6)

^figora, boltian for dwarf, an insult and commonly used throughout boltian societies.
^^Boltian, combined name of all gybolts, dibolts, and orbolts.
*Gy-eil-rams, man at arms, 
**Lagaer, chief, outdated term for king or ruler. Used in boltian kitchen as lead cook.
***Muroduera, Marauder, small bands of 15 to 25 boltian that pillage and plunder for the good of their city-state and nobles. Specialty when the group is focused against interest, treasure or goods of higora (humans), figora (dwarves), and sigora (elves).
****Litany of Monwelt Hasaw, "Life is not fair, life owes you nothing, life can be taken away.  You can still be kind, you can still help others, you can still help yourself."

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Session 4 - Cragmaw Castle - Part 1 - Worra

The northwest tower that King Saroeun, the dibolt's^ leader, used as his quarters roared with celebration after Marco separated the Saroeun's head from dying leader's body.  The gybolt's^^ in Marco's band made the majority of noise and only grew louder as Marko raised the head in front of him and paraded the head till the gybolt's settled in the castle's main hall.

The group, paid by Gundren Rockseeker, lay in various states of recovery in the makeshift quarters between Saroeun's tower and the turret the owlbear was held in.  Lecham, the gybolt prince, helped Gundren's cousin and socersor, Austri. Loxly slapped Bosque awake and mocked him for getting knocked out.  Wolfenstein, the group's dibolt raised wolf, quickly recovered and was licking the faces of those in the group.

Bosque still in a fog sees a dark feminine shape emerge from the direction of Saroeun's room. Bosque's senses sharpen with hot blood pumping through his veins. Pushes past Loxly as he stands up ready to fight.

"Hold your steps, no farther or face the bite of my fangs!" Bosque yells while barring his magical boomerangs.

The figure steps further, ignoring the warning and showing herself in the light of the oil lantern sconces. 

"Hyguier^^^, your fang's are short and bark too loud. Common of your kind and common of my kind to ignore."  She said cooly and unthreated.

The group gives their full attention to the women in front of them. She looks to have the features of those from the Islands of Oncet*.  Long neck, arms and legs with bald head, long earlobes, spindly fingers and an aura of mystery.  The cloak she wears is similar style to that of the necromancer they faced at Old Owl Well a couple of days ago.  The cloak, instead of the blood-red of the nameless necromancer, was deep blue with a yellow embroidery trim around the hood and sleeves.  Her clothes were impeccable clean, a detail that marks nobles or spellcasters.

Loxly draws his bow and smirks handsomely at the mysterious women, "Darn no further, not a step more. I will not mine to share my love of violence as I prick thee with my shafts adorn with bright festive feathery quills."

She smirks back, "You, I must test your skill in piercing..." Her sentence interrupted by the breeze of the arrow let loose by Loxly. She felt the kiss of a quill on her ear as the arrow point clapped and bounced of the stone wall behind her.

Loxly with a full grin retorts, "I must say she is speechless with how I passed with flying colours. Now, stand still and let us ask questions to peer pass your guise of mystery."

Bosque with dagger in hand points at the women says, "Hands up and let up cut through your vail of perplexity and get to the point quickly." As he approaches, Loxly covers Bosque with arrow aimed and knocked, ready to draw and release.  The woman complies with hand raised.

The eynuier^^^^, gybolt and wolf ready themselves on the other side of the road keeping the onceti women in view and using the corpse of the owl bear as cover.

Bosque pulls open the cloak from inside keeping out of Loxly's line of fire and ready to strike.

Bosque asks, "What is your name? I wish to not to just address you as just woman or her as I search you."

"Worra," she replies. "I am the second mailey** of the Rat King."

Feeling the areas that a person can hid most blades and daggers, Bosque is satisfied Worra poses no danger with bladed weapons. As he feels the waist on second inspection, Bosque nods his head to the left and points at the potential area of interest out to Loxly.  Bosque steps away and still behind Worra to prevent her from going the way she came.

Loxly admires the long royal blue dress+ under the cloak.  He notices the fine black embroidery sewn into exquisite garment. Much of it looking of symbols he cannot recognize.  At the waist line he see a flat folded satchel attached her belt that Bosque felt.

"Mistress Mailey, would it be unkind if I ask you of your belt? I hope it is not the lench pin that your entire ensemble in place," said Loxly, stay neatly between cordial and frivolity.

With half smile and lowering her hands slowly to her belt and unwrapping the leather knot, Worra wryly says, "This from only man in the wild I have seen in tights with a codpiece."

The belt she tosses behind her, landing closer to Bosque than Worra. The sound the belt made striking the stone floor suggested something of metal in it.

As Loxly laughs and says something smart, Bosque draws his blade as he lowers himself to secure the waist leather. Bosque does not care for the banter in these moments. He listens, looks and feels for changes in the air that warn him of impending violence. 

Bosque focused sight on Worra, listening for the things that matter. Figures locked on a trajectory to the belt.  The leather is fine and great quality, his touch examines the pores and cut edges. The craftship is surpasses anything he has worn. He can almost smell the leather master's sweat and oils worked into Worra's leather sash.

Bosque now standing with belt satchel open, sight begins to spin and narrow.

Austri sharply yells at Worra as Bosque steps back then catches himself, "What magic did you cast on my compatriot you onseti vendishona***?"

Before an answer is given Austri is a slow blur. The eynuier charges the onceti^^^^^, his hammer held high in a blue hue cast from within.  Confused and unworried, Worra lightly touches the hammer and easily directs the blow away from her.  Austri flies hammer first into the feathers and fur of the owlbear.

Loxly in his mind sides with violence and loses touch with his gift of speech and fires an arrow starving for blood.  The bolt of wood and iron is denied by the quick hand of the onceti. The ranger struck dumb can only watch as Worra gracefully spins and land Loxly's shot right into dirt covered stone floor in front of his feet.

Growls and snares echoe in the room. Lecham, the gybolt prince, holds Wolfenstein back by the collar and fists full of fur. The struggle is near comical as Lecham and Wolfenstein circle each other bouncing off the wall, the owlbear and tripping over dead dibolts. The wolf seeks flesh to tear as the iron collar bites further into the gybolt's hands. Lecham's purple blood begins to cover fur, iron, dirt and stone.

A roar. A command. A plea. 

"Stop!" Bosque yells.

All freeze. All look. All listen.

Bosque ends the madness. Absorbing it all and concentrating it all within the look in his eyes.  Shaking, he holds three coins the entirety of contents of the satchel on the belt. Fire and light from the oil lamp sconces gleam from each gold coin. 

Stepping toward Worra, Bosque whippers, "How are these the same? How are these scratched the same? The eques of man on the face, the horned eye on the feathered bird?"

This time the onceti's composure fades to worry. Her eyes water, her eyes dart back and forth, looking directly into the madness of the ranger's face.  Worra steps back and trips on the massive claws of the silent unbreathing owlbear.  She doesn't catch herself and falls into the nook between the beast's beaked head and outstretched arm.  Trying to back away from Bosque, each strike of his boots against the stone floor driving more fear into Worra's mind. 

Bosque stops in front of the her never braking contact with Worra's eyes. He takes off his necklace that is no more than a thin lanyard and small sack all made of leather.  He produces a fourth coin. A coin that is an exact facsimil. A coin found on Bosque's dead master. A coin that drove him to the Cross continent.

Bosque voice shifting from shock to anger as he says, "How? What magic is this onseti? I swear on my master's grave, you will not leave here if you do not tell me how these three coins are in your possession."

Worra's composure returns as she stands up. She grapes the wrist of Bosque's hand still clasping her three coins.  

In a snarl, she says, "Neither of us will leave here if I do not tell you what is searching for these coins."

Worra and Bosque talk, sharing details they hold concerning the unique gold coins and ignore the other adventures.  The party listens for a time then get bored then start searching the castle and collect the treasures that are rightfully theirs for the taking.

--------- Results ----------

Treasure List (Total 600 gp)

Weapons (308 gp) = 7 Chainmail; 1 Armor, hide; 12 Longsword; 20 Shields; 1 Javelin; 1 Crossbow, Heavy; 4 Longbows; 13 Shortbows; 13 Scimitars; 13 Leather Armor, Gybolt; 80 Arrows; 5 Spear; 4 Morningstar; 2 Greatswords

Rations/Misc (25 gp Total) = 1 Cask, Small, Dwarven Brandy; 4 Cask, Medium, Salted Pork; 7 Cask, Large, Grain, Rotting; 1 Sack, Leather

Additional Coin (267 gp) = 220 sp, 250 ep, 120 gp

Unique Treasure List

3 Potion, Healing

1 Scroll, Silence; 1 Scroll, Revivify

1 Quarterstaff, Fine (10 gp, Stylized Feathers engraving, light feeling, 1 lbs.)

1 Statue, Gold, Sun Onseti (in crimson cloth)(divination magic, Any creature grasping the statue can ask it a question and receive a telepathic response, as though it had cast augury. Once a creature has asked its question and received a response, it can never activate the statuette again.)

Serasram* Worship Set (330 gp) = 1 Censer, Serasram (120 gp); 1 Chalice, Serasram (150 gp); 1 Knife, Serasram (60 gp); 1 Cloth, Black, Serasram


^Dibolt, conventional fantasy Bugbear or Hobgoblin.

^^Gybolt, conventional fantasy Goblin.

^^^Hyguier, conventional fantasy Human.

^^^^Eynuier, conventional fantasy Dwarf.

^^^^^Onceti, conventional fantasy Elf with long earlobe versus pointy ears.

*Oncet, an archipelago of independent nations of the Cross Continent. Archipelago makes up the southwestern area of the Cross Continent.  Many arcane and historical colleges are located in Oncet.  Majority of the islands have independent truces and dealings with the mainland government of the Cross Kingdom.  The Cross Kingdom see the Oncet as part of their dominion and frequently stamp out riot and rebellion within the Oncet.

**Mailey, embody the roles of knight and messenger, many are trained within the Oncet at island of Burning Tower. Mailey's offen wear yellow as a mark of their role within a court.

***Vendishona is a person that lays people in hypnotic trances for pleasure or adventure.  Many waste their mortality in the vain pursuits of these vicecasters, training their life energy for fleeting experiences.

****Sarasram, the first gybolt king. Deified for halting the advance of the Seagourds. Seagourds is the name the gybolts gave the progenitor's of the Cross Kingdom.

+royal blue wool facecloth decorated with a scrolling border design in applied slightly purple-blue silk velvet, navy ribbed silk, wide and narrow navy silk braids.